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许多人都在抱怨,说这片区域在不断自降身价。Many bemoan what they see as the cheapening of the area.

他们和我一起吐槽他们可怕的数学作业。They and I bemoan their terrible math homework together.

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他以这些会面为契机,表达自己对妇女在西方待遇的不满。He used the meetings as occasions to bemoan the treatment of women in the West.

至于那些埋怨天气冷就享受不到冰凉甜点的人,就别再愁眉苦脸啦!For those of you who bemoan that the cold weather is devoid of any icy sweets, mope no longer.

他说,他们不应低估自身能力,也不要自怨自艾,哀叹命运。They shouldn`t underestimate their own capabilities and constantly bemoan their fate, he said.

然而,靴子着陆的地点距离原定目标相去甚远,霍华德先生有感而发,称它是“可悲的一掷”。However, the boot landed far short of its mark, prompting Mr Howard to bemoan the "pathetic throw".

每当你要自叹命苦时,就看看这个列表,你就会想起来其实你真的是很幸运的。Whenever you’re tempted to bemoan your fate, look at the list and remind yourself how lucky you really are.

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但法国球队在自己的场地上也没有什么穿透力和有威胁的进攻。But the French side may bemoan a lack of penetration and risk-taking on their own patch when this tie draws to an end.

上个星期,我听到中国官员一再对西方没有在处理排放问题方面以身作则表示惋惜。Again and again last week I heard Chinese officials bemoan the failure of the west to lead by example on tackling emissions.

哀叹胡杨的远去也许更应该哀叹人类自己,拯救胡杨林便是拯救人类自己的家园。Far more of p. euphratica bemoan may save mankind should be laments the Euphrates poplar forests is to save mankind of their homes.

真正珍惜过去的人,不会悲叹旧日美好时光的逝去。因为藏于记忆中的时光永不流失。Those who truly treasure the past will not bemoan the passing of the good old days, because days ensherned in mem-ory are never lost.

那是因为一件事——他没有坐下来抱怨生活赋予他的不利环境,他也没有静等别人来救济他。Well, for one thing, he didn’t sit down and bemoan the challenging circumstances life had given him, nor did he wait for people to rescue him.

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2007年汉森聚合物公司被世界水泥行业龙头德国的海德堡公司收购,它应该是死得其所了。There is little cause to bemoan the takeover in 2007 of Hanson , an aggregates company, by Heidelberg, a German company and a world leader in cement.

男性可能抱怨女性不可思议的记忆能力,吵架几星期后还能记得每个字和当时的细微反应,然而,这种性别差距是有科学依据的。Men may bemoan women's uncanny ability to remember every word and nuance of an argument weeks later, but there's a scientific basis for the gender gap.

到他们开第二瓶酒的时候,拉杰进入了“郁闷的酒醉阶段”,开始哀叹,没有人会永远爱他。By the time they were in to their second bottle of wine, Raj was well into the “depressed drunk stage” and began to bemoan that no one will ever love him.

温格在白鹿巷看到了自己球队出色的表现,但是又一次,热刺让教授只能品尝失利的苦果和无限的感叹。阿森纳本有机会拿下比赛的。Wenger saw glimpses of Arsenal's best form at White Hart Lane last time out but once again he was left to bemoan the lapses that cost them a chance of victory.

与此同时,在毁灭中迷失理智,保守党将会因为这个国家被同性恋婚姻、堕胎和“自由媒体”毁坏而悲叹。”Meanwhile, lost in their oblivion, conservatives will continue to bemoan the ruination of the country by homosexual marriage, abortion, and "the liberal media."

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而许多中国评论员则哀叹国内学校教育以应试为主,脱离时代,缺乏对团队合作以及创新能力的培养。Many commentators in China bemoan the outdated over-reliance on rote learning in Chinese schools, and the general absence of learning about teamwork and innovation.

人们为网络上的无尽纷扰而哀叹——充满诱惑的超链接,意想不到的搜索结果,以及晦涩难懂的维基条目。People bemoan the infinite distractions of the web, the way we're constantly being seduced by hyperlinks and unexpected search results and arcane Wikipedia entries.

人们哀叹自己被网络分心,总是为超链接、意料之外的搜索结果、晦涩难懂的维基百科词条浪费时间。People bemoan the infinite distractions of the web, the way we’re constantly being seduced by hyperlinks and unexpected search results and arcane Wikipedia entries.