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这些人都是被一位大富大贵的餐馆老板揭发的。They had been reported by a well-known restaurateur.

除此之外,该公司还为食评家艾戈•罗内的味蕾上过保险。It also insures the taste buds of restaurateur Egon Ronay.

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报道没有透露餐厅东主付了多少金钱予该名男孩。No word on how much the restaurateur had paid for the boy.

二者都是费城心血结晶,总部位于斯蒂芬斯塔尔。Both are the brainchild of Philadelphia-based restaurateur Stephen Starr.

还有机会为伦敦著名的餐馆老板特兰斯·康拉德的儿子工作。He also had the opportunity to work for the son of a famous London restaurateur Terance Conrad.

一位有经验的餐厅经理,安排你们靠窗的座位,让路人觉得这家餐厅高朋满座。A savvy restaurateur will seat you in the window to show passers-by that the restaurant is busy.

没有哪家餐厅会拒绝更换有霉味的酒,或对这种情况做出错误判断。No restaurateur would refuse to replace a corked bottle or would make a mistake about the condition.

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我们现在人在“布里楼上”餐厅,一家知名餐厅老板大卫·布里开的较平价的餐厅。Now we're at Upstairs at Bouley, the less-expensive restaurant from famed restaurateur David Bouley.

托姆是出生和长大,在纽约布鲁克林,由一位企业家的父亲,和一个餐馆的母亲。Thom was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, by an entrepreneur father, and a restaurateur mother.

很多年前,我告诉一个生意刚刚起步的餐馆老板,他应该在客人不发现的前提下,偷工减料。A few years ago I told a restaurateur just starting out that he should cut corners on things his customers wouldn’t notice.

法国名厨亚伦.杜卡斯的同事们已经准备好了这些餐点,还为了此行将其打包装入铝盒内。The meal has already been prepared by associates of French chef- restaurateur Alain Ducasse and packed into aluminum containers for the trip.

如他们对新奇事物的痴迷般,诺维科夫先生想成为他故乡的最著名餐馆老板也部分由于俄罗斯人强烈的思乡情怀。As much as their obsession with novelty, Russians' powerful nostalgia has been part of Mr Novikov's rise to become his country's bt-known restaurateur.

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餐饮业者丹尼.梅尔说,「有三家不同的投资银行去年找我们外烩公司承包顶级假日派对,今年却没有。」The restaurateur Danny Meyer said his catering company had "lost three grand-scale holiday parties by three different investment banks that we had done last year."

他开餐馆的父亲患有慢性糖尿病,并数次陷入糖尿病昏迷,谢蒂小时候多次目睹医生赶来拯救父亲的生命。Doctors were gods in the Shetty household, swooping in to save his restaurateur father who suffered from chronic diabetes and fell into diabetic comas several times in the young boy's life.

“他们闻起来象一头大蒜,”开餐厅的徐老板和许多人有相同的看法,“我们上海人爱干净,家里也弄得很整洁,我们更有教养,我们喝咖啡,他们只喝茶。”"They smell like garlic," said restaurateur Xu, voicing a popular refrain. "We Shanghai people keep ourselves and our homes very clean. We are more refined. We drink coffee. They only drink tea.