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我看见国王爱德蒙。I can see King Edmund.

要是埃德蒙当上牧师就好了!If Edmund were but in orders!

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埃德蒙是一个注重行动的人。Sir Edmund was a man of action.

埃德蒙微微一笑,摇了摇头。Edmund smiled and shook his head.

“是的,陛下。”爱德蒙说。"Yes, your Majesty, " said Edmund.

“哦,哦。”国王爱德蒙怀疑地说道。"Yes, " said King Edmund doubtfully.

埃德蒙和莉莲迟迟没有回来。Edmund and lilian were slow to return.

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是有局限的“,Edmund,Burke说的。It's limited." Edmund Burke-- another one.

有人看到这个艾德蒙·道奇闯入那间住宅。Edmund Dodge was seen breaking into the house.

埃蒙德·派文西我不记得纳尼亚有任何毁灭的迹象。Edmund Pevensie I don't remember any ruins in Narnia.

他还对人们说埃德蒙·基恩如何堪称为世界上最优秀的演员。He told how Edmund Kean was the best actor in the world.

她一直不能彻底忘掉埃德蒙·贝特伦。She could not put Edmund Bertran sufficiently out of her head.

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欧文看上去比埃德蒙还要糟糕,因为他到处都是伤口,还流着血。Owen looked worse than Edmund had, for he bled from many wounds.

他和何厚铧都开始哭了起来,他们认为他们的母亲。He and Edmund both begin to cry as they think about their mother.

“喂,你是干什么的?”那个女人问,两眼紧盯着爱德蒙。"And what, pray, are you?" said the Lady, looking hard at Edmund.

埃德蒙跟着牡鹿的踪迹而去,很快便被迷雾吞噬了。Edmund followed the stag's trail and was soon swallowed by the fog.

很久很久以前,两个年轻人埃德蒙和奥斯瓦尔德上了法庭。Ever so long ago, two young men, Edmund and Oswald, appeared in court.

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1953年,来自新西兰的埃德蒙·希拉里和尼泊尔人邓金·诺吉。In 1953, Edmund Hillary from New Zealand, and Tenzing Norgay from Nepal.

艾文和鲁思与他们被宠坏了的表弟尤斯特回到纳尼亚。Edmund and Lucy return to Narnia with their spoilt cousin Eustace Scrubb.

鸿海发言人丁祈安没有说加薪何时生效。Hon Hai spokesman Edmund Ding did not say when the raises would take effect.