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这一延期将消除卢布汇率面临的压力。This deferral would obviate pressure on the rouble exchange rate.

机器翻译已经足够好了,可以避免全球出现某个语言主导的情况。Machine translation could be good enough to obviate the need for a primary global language.

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在这种情况下,可利用胆汁酸反流检测排除阻抗检测的需要。Under these circumstances, impedance monitoring may obviate the need for bile acid reflux testing.

这些数字或能说明,对于多数一般消费者而言,没有携带备用电池的必要。Those numbers are likely to obviate the need for spare batteries for the majority of average consumers.

“我们有些供应商正在转战中国内地,以躲避劳动力成本的上升,”他表示。"Some of our vendors are moving further into China in order to obviate the higher labour costs, " he said.

幸运的是,我们不需要单独处理这两类现象,因为我们能够以相同的方法排除它们。Luckily , we don't need to deal with these two phenomena separately, because we can obviate them both in the same way.

副脾通常不需要治疗,因此,准确的术前诊断以避免外科手术。Given that an accessory spleen does not usually require treatment, accurate preoperative diagnosis will obviate surgery.

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通过请求豁免,美国金融业监管局有效地挡住了约翰逊及其他人要求提高透明度的呼声。FINRA conveniently and effectively utilizes a plea of immunity to obviate the call for transparency by Johnson and others.

目的探讨氯丙嗪球后注射治疗绝对期青光眼的临床效果,以解除绝对期青光眼疼痛问题。Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of retrobulbar injection of chlorpromazine so as to obviate pain of the patients.

制造业的复苏将不会使医疗改革变得没有必要,或者排除强大的社会安全网的需要。The manufacturing revival isn’t going to make health reform unnecessary or obviate the need for a strong social safety net.

而良好的接地则是使工业控制机系统稳定运行、消除干扰的重要措施。And good grounding is important means to stabilize work of industrial control computer system and to obviate the disturbances.

但是他们也质疑这些新发现是否排除了早期子宫内膜癌之淋巴结评估的需求。But they also question whether these new findings "obviate the need for lymph-node assessment in early-stage endometrial cancer."

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有相当比例的患者经过这些调整措施后,可得到正面的反应结果,而避免必须接受较具侵袭性的治疗选择。Through these procedures, a substantial portion of non-responders will become responders and thus obviate the need for more-invasive treatments.

新型的优良疫苗将告别针筒注射的接种方式,不需冷冻,而且免疫保护作用安全持久。An optimal new vaccine would obviate needle injection, not require refrigerated storage, and provide a safe and more consistent degree of protection.

在这方面,一个极其重要的步骤就是建立一个联合系统,把美国与俄罗斯的导弹防御联系在一起,这样就可避免对相互毁灭能力的依赖,最终使核威慑成为历史。A crucial step here would be to link U.S. and Russian missile defenses in a joint system. This would obviate reliance on mutually assured destruction.

但是,无论是凯尔森为代表的纯粹法理论还是以布莱克为代表的纯粹法社会学都无法回避对法律的价值评判。Nevertheless, neither the pure law theory represented by Hans Kelsen nor the pure sociology of law represented by Black can obviate the appraisal of legal value.

在18或是19世纪,暴乱和偷窃会偶尔破坏在公共广场举行的处决,不过现代的安全和科技可以避免类似的情况发生。While rioting and pickpocketing occasionally marred executions in the public square in the 18th and 19th centuries, modern security and technology obviate this concern.

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在产品质量合格的前提下,超声探伤检测的准确率比较高,能够有效地避免断裂事故的发生。On condition that post porcelain insulators satisfy quality standard, Ultrasonic crack detection can effectively obviate the accident of post porcelain insulators crack.

皮特调查说,如果这种疫苗研制成功,它可能无须重复进行结肠镜检查的病人处于高风险的发展成为大肠癌的可能。The Pitt investigators say that if the vaccine is successful, it could potentially obviate the need for repeated colonoscopies in patients at high risk for developing colorectal cancer.

政府运用金融衍生品工具和期货市场来分散和回避国际石油价格激烈波动的影响,或者降低储备成本。Instruments deriving from finance and future transactions are exerted to disperse and obviate impacts incurred by the fluctuant international oil prices, or to reduce the reserving cost.