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而乔和哈克都还睡得正香。Joe and Huck still slept.

你一准喜欢这儿,对不对,哈克?You like it here, don't you, Huck?

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24哈克开始东一件西一件地拾自己的衣服。Huck began to pick up his scattered clothes.

哈克在阳光下躺在木筏上,一直躺到全身都干了。Huck lay on the raft in the sun until he was dry.

“我现在去拿枪和别的东西,”哈克说。Now less fetch the guns and things, " said Huck."

哈克没有做声,心里却在编出一个相当小心的回答。Huck was silent while he framed a duly cautious reply.

1那天晚上汤姆和哈克作好准备去冒一次险。THAT night Tom and Huck were ready for their adventure.

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“瞧——我说我说了吧,”汤姆说。“哈克回想起来了。”There—I told you so, " said Tom. "Huck recollects it. "

“我也这么想,”哈克说。“我情愿拿很多东西来换,让人家告诉我是谁被淹死了。”I do too" said Huck "I'd give heaps to know who it is. "

一天晚上在坟场他和费恩、贝琪撒切尔看到了三个男人。One night in the graveyard he and Huck Finn see three men.

就是哈克跟踪强盗到寡妇家的那件事情。About Huck tracking the robbers to the widow's. I reckon Mr.

那当然啦——人人都这么说。你难道未见过钻石,哈克?Cert'nly—anybody'll tell you so. Hain't you ever seen one, Huck?

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15“好吧,咱们就让这个好哭的小婴儿回家去找妈妈,好不好,哈克?Well, we'll let the crybaby go home to his mother, won't we, Huck?

他还发现乔·哈帕和哈克·费恩正在一条巷子里吃偷来的甜瓜。He found Joe Harper and Huck Finn up an alley eating a stolen melon.

幸亏哈克及时报信才避免了一场悲剧的发生,可印第安·乔再一次逃之天天。Thanks to avoid the news timely huck a tragedy, but Indian Joe again.

最后,马克吐温下到企业通过让“哈克“芬兰人说话。Finally, Twain gets down to business by letting "Huck" Finn do the talking.

稻壳用于回糠制酒,粮渣是畜禽精饲料。The rice huck is reused in the ferment. The residue is used as the livestock feed.

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哈克靠上去缩短了距离,因为那两人现在绝不会看见他。Huck closed up and shortened his distance, now, for they would never be able to see him.

哈克跟在后面,有大岩石的那个石洞分出四个叉道口。Huck followed. Four avenues opened out of the small cavern which the great rock stood in.

哈克是靠近吉姆,但他知道他是得罪了执法资助一个跟班逃跑。Huck is close to Jim, but he knows that he is breaking the law by helping a slave escape.