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我们开始下山走向大门。We start down the hill toward the entranceway.

他们正努力炸开一个入口。They were trying to blast to open an entranceway.

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施工期间,我们需要将此入口封锁。We need to block up this entranceway during construction.

这个贫困的可怜人睡在门口的地板上。The ugly man in poverty wakes on the floor at the entranceway.

玄关将会是每个人对我们家的第一印象。The entranceway is the first impression that you get about a home or office.

一般的人在进入入口处时就会在陷阱和魔法下倒下至少三个。Usually at least three fell to traps and magic during the entranceway excavation.

我没有想过自己要离开这个别墅,但是在我迈步走出大门口时,却觉得脚步轻快,而且也满心欢喜。I had not thought of my leaving the villa, But my steps, out of the entranceway , felt lighter and full of joy.

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在这个古老的别墅里,有着悠久的历史和有趣的东西,我也曾经是个世上最快乐的孩子。I had not thought of my leaving the villa, but my steps, out of the entranceway , felt lighter and full of joy.

游,亚利桑拿州潜水者认为其看起来像天青石,他发现一个入口而决定进一步探索。Swimming about the capstone, which the Arizona diver thought looked like lapis lazuli, he discovered an entranceway and decided to explore further.

我每天都回到我的小窝去查看,以便在恢复供电时第一时间发出这封邮件,就在我的大门左边我看到一些水和食物。I come back to my shack to check on it each day, now to send this email since the electricity is on, and I find food and water left in my entranceway.

我们转向左边来到入口,入口用花色的砂岩铺设得很好,而且在花色砂岩上有间隔开的青铜印字。We turned left into the entranceway , which is nicely paved in sand colored flagstone and the discrete sign is simple bronze lettering on sand colored stone.

病人通过察看过道墙上的医师照片来选择医生,医生的个人简历用彩色写在医生出诊的日程表旁。Patients choose doctors by looking at a wall in the entranceway where physicians' pictures and bios are displayed in color next to a schedule board listing their hours.

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大门的右边是个很大的木制旋转楼梯和与其相匹配的台阶,通往餐厅区域,酒瓶陈列在楼梯的两边。To the right of the entranceway is a big medium colored wood spiral staircase with matching steps and sides going up to the restaurant area, with wine bottles stored in the sides of the staircase.