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圣约翰洗者殉教了。John the Baptist himself gets martyred.

星期浸教将举场典礼。Baptist will hold a ceremony this Sunday.

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圣约翰洗者被刻画得很像以利亚。John the Baptist is portrayed like Elijah.

施洗约翰也尽忠,下场却是被斩首。John the Baptist was faithful, but he was beheaded.

你在萨克拉门托的时候还有Shiloh浸信会。And you had Shiloh Baptist when you were in Sacramento.

小岩城以马内利华语浸信会主页。Main page for Little Rock Chinese Immanuel Baptist Church.

施洗约翰对关于他自己的什么事情明说而不隐瞒?What things did John the Baptist make clear about himself?

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夜色中的第一浸信会。哥伦比亚,南卡罗来纳,美国。First Baptist Church at night. Columbia, South Carolina, USA.

朗费罗受洗教堂网页的设计非常有趣。LongHollow Baptist Church's website has an interesting design.

吴月华,香港浸会大学电影学院研究生。Stephanie Ng is a Ph. D. student in Hong Kong Baptist University.

艾伯特·那尔吉是在芝加哥西点浸信教堂的牧师。Albert Narj is the pastor at West Point Baptist Church in Chicago.

填料一般用浸油或涂有石墨的石棉绳。Filler generally Baptist oil or graphite coated with asbestos rope.

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他参加了施洗者约翰领导的激进的犹太人精神运动。He joined the radical Jewish Spiritual movement led by John the Baptist.

在这期间,施洗约翰被关在从加利利向南70英里的监狱里。Meanwhile 70 miles to the south John the Baptist was locked in a prison.

作为回答,耶稣反问他们,是谁差派施洗约翰完成使命的。In answer, Jesus asked them who had sent John the Baptist on his mission.

以一五一九年弗朗西斯一世施洗约翰造型的画像结束。It ends with a 1519 portrait of King Francis I as Saint John the Baptist.

这幅画名为“圣母子和施洗婴儿圣约翰”。The painting is called Madonna and Child with infant St John the Baptist.

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门徒这才明白耶稣所说的,是指着施洗的约翰。Then the disciples understood that he spake unto them of John the Baptist.

“没法再高了,”博士回答道,“成为浸礼会教友已经是最高的了。”"I can't," replied the doctor, "to be a Baptist is as high as one can get.

而我们一家,和Shiloh浸信会教堂是分不开的。But that family, the West family is inseparable from Shiloh Baptist Church.