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第二种是制作性的展览。The second kind is creationary exhibition.

编辑工作是一项创造性的劳动。Editing work is a kind of creationary labor.

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本论文的研究角度和方法均较为新颖。Research angle and method of this thesis are comparatively creationary.

创造性模仿是亚里士多德诗学理论中的核心概念。Aristotle's whole conception of poetics theory is creationary imitation.

这个方案富于创造性的,别出心裁,很有魅力,所以他们都很喜欢。This scheme is very creationary , unique and charming, so they like it too much.

如今,创造性思维的培养已经成为教育的重要目标之一。Nowadays, the cultivation of creationary thinking has been one of concernful educational goals.

它不但是一种创造性的批评,而且体现了审美意义。So the category Wei is one kind of creationary criticism, and shows important aesthetic significance.

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旅游者的最佳经历是在旅游经历中的参与性,有创造的角色扮演。Tourists' best experience should be their participating in tourism experience and the creationary role-play.

文学翻译不同于其他翻译,它是一种创造性的艺术劳动。Literary translation is different from other forms of translation, and it is a kind of creationary artistic work.

学员队管理要注重学员创造性思维能力的培养。The management of student company should pay attention to the development of student' s creationary thinking ability.

做此类题是一种创造性的思维活动,必须掌握正确的阅读方法。To do the exercise like that is one kind of creationary thinking activity, so it needs to master correct reading methods.

她还是位艺术学者,在片厂里面有着最华丽最有创意的化妆间。Emma is in favor of tennis and race. she is also an artist who has an most gayest and creationary dressing room in the studio.

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最后对网络课程开发的全过程和技术实现等问题进行了研究,探讨了网络课程设计开发的一些规律和有效途径。Then analyzed the innovation of teaching content, creationary study, the selection of the exercises and the design of test system in detail.

本文以铅-玻璃纤维复合材料为例,论述创造性思维在工业产品上的应用。This paper takes Lead-fiber glass composite materials as an exemple, and discussed the application of creationary thinking on industry products.

由于原始材料的缺乏和古代语言文字的障碍,国内学者对于古巴比伦时期土地租金问题的研究一直未能取得突破。Owing to the lack of prime materials and the hindrance of ancient language, the research on the rent field-lease hasn't got creationary achievement.

由于原始材料的缺乏和古代语言文字的障碍,学术界对古巴比伦时期土地租赁中租金比率的研究,多年来一直没有取得突破。Owing to the lack of prime materials and the hindrance of ancient language, the research on the rent ratio of field-lease hasn't got creationary achievement.

美国建筑师汤姆·梅恩以其大胆创新的实践和富有创造性的建筑反映时代精神和南加州特有的文化。Through brave practice and creationary architecture , American architect Thom Mayne reflects the time spirit and express the particular South Californias culture.

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在第4章,参照相关标准,并根据腐蚀介质的特殊性,创造性的设计了试验室金属腐蚀试验。In chapter 4, according to the related standards and the particularity of the caustic medium, the paper puts forward a creationary laboratory metal corrosion test.

同时,他们赋予电视工业全新的意义,并强调受众在接受“文化工业”产品时积极的创造性,从而将电视理论研究引向范围更加广阔的日常生活实践领域。At the same time they emphasizes the audiences creationary sense upon the culture industry, and focuses the researchers attention upon the practical and wider area.

理念的设计要在商业街历史基础上创新,兼顾历史特点,更重要的是有利于未来发展。The designing concept need to be creationary based on history, taking into account the characteristics of history. The point is that it should be propitious to future development.