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巳征服天魔和其魔徒。Having conquered Mara and his mount.

肯尼亚马塞马拉,狮子袭击一只水牛。Lions attack a buffalo on the Masai Mara in Kenya

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马语琴来自联合国的报道。Mara Hvistendahl reports from the United Nations.

该国境内一处闻名于世的地区就是马赛马拉。One of its world-famous regions is the Masai Mara.

马语琴是驻在上海的自由撰稿作家。Mara Hvistendahl is a Shanghai-based freelance writer.

让我说一个恶魔如何诳惑佛陀的故事吧!Let me tell a story of how Mara tried to confound the Buddha.

于是,五马拉车变成了六马狂奔,从而导致房价一路飙升。Thus, five Mara car into six horse riders, leading to soaring prices up.

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我来给大家介绍下我们的首席助教,玛拉·丹尼尔,她最近才冠了夫姓"巴拉班"Let me introduce you to our head TA, Mara Daniel, who's recently Mara Baraban.

肯尼亚马赛马拉国家保护区,一只母猎豹和她的六只小猎豹排成一排。A cheetah with her six cubs in Massai Mara National Reserve, Kenya, all in a row

在这一天的行程中,中午饭将是在一个叫Narok的中央停止野餐。You will have a picnic lunch stopover in Narok, before proceeding to Masai Mara.

珍˙穆托尼˙玛拉当年因为给茅茅军人提供粮食而被逮捕时,还只有15岁。Jane Muthoni Mara was 15 when she was arrested for supplying the Mau Mau with food.

跟大多数父母一样,玛拉和戴夫·拉泰纳夫妇也希望他们的两个女儿能爱上读书。Like most parents, Mara and Dave Lateiner wanted their two children to love reading.

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她去公园,她去商店,她和玛拉在咖啡厅喝咖啡。She goes to the park and learns scores, sheshops, she has coffee with Mara at Tia’s.

为什么恶魔伪装成农夫,问佛陀是否看到了他的牛是很有意思的。Why did Mara disguise himself as a ploughman and ask the Buddha if he had seen his oxen?

突击队中包括卢克·天行者和玛拉·杰德,他们被瑟鲍思视为自己未来的学生。The team included Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade, whom C'baoth saw as prospective students.

从Mara邀请圣尊到逝世是这一章最适合的开始的话题。Mara invite to Blessed One to pass away this is most suitable topic to begin this chapter.

在马拉自然维护区,或许发作着自然界最为壮观的事情,那就是一年一度的大迁移。It is in the Mara that perhaps the most spectacular event of the natural world takes place.

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总部美国的游隼基金会声称最近三种秃鹫有可能在肯尼亚的马赛马拉草原灭绝。The US-based Peregrine Fund said at least three species could die out in Kenya's Masai Mara.

玛拉对卢克的仇恨减少了,对他的绝地技艺渐生一种糅杂着嫉妒与钦佩的感情。Blunting her hatred for him, Mara developed a begrudging respect for the Jedi and his skills.

您在那里的时候,也要把握机会观看马赛马拉众多的狮群。While you are there, seize the opportunity to see the many prides of lions in the Masai Mara.