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什么成就?What achievement?

他高度评价了这一成就。He rated the achievement high.

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他的成就是非常显著的。His achievement is very notable.

男人渴望权利,成就和性。Men want power, achievement and sex.

成就不过是镜花水月?That achievement is at bottom empty?

这一成就好得不能再好了。This achievement cannot be bettered.

祝贺中国取得如此成就!Congrats to China on this achievement.

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但成就永远都是第二位的。But the achievement is always secondary.

最终他做到了,这算是一个大成就。He did and that was a major achievement.

告诉我你最得意的成就。Tell me about your proudest achievement.

这成就确实是空前的。This achievement is surely unprecedented.

成绩有两重性,错误也有两重性。Achievement has duality , also mistake do.

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以及你会接下来去解锁哪一个成就?And what achievement will you unlock next?

他贬低对手的成就。He talked down his opponent's achievement.

这对他们来说是一个极大的成就。It's quite really an achievement for them.

这本应成为鸡鸣成就。It would have been the crowing achievement.

这名科学家渴望取得成就。The scientist thirsts after an achievement.

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你一定为你的成就感到非常骄傲。You must be very proud of your achievement.

它是一个伟大成就的纪念品或奖品。A souvenir or reward of a great achievement.

拉美西斯二世最伟大的功绩就在于此。Ramses II's greatest achievement this is it.