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婚姻的价码因性别和年龄而异。The matrimonial price tag varies by gender and age.

傲慢与偏见,金钱,婚姻价值取向,婚姻观。Pride and prejudice, money, matrimonial value orientation, marriage.

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以下的几条建议,也许能帮助你避免婚姻危机。Here's a little advice that might help you avoid matrimonial discord.

而摩门教自身历史中过分的婚姻却一点都没有让他们感到脸红。Nor does its own history of matrimonial excess bring a blush to its cheek.

更甚的是一些亚洲婚配网站开始要求注册人描述他们的肤色。Even most Asian matrimonial websites ask sign-ups to describe their skintone.

国家的形成深刻地影响了婚姻的内容。The establishment of state transformed the matrimonial pr-actices profoundly.

他去世了,我不打算改嫁,也不想收养别人的孩子。Since his death I decided not to remarry or get a child outside my matrimonial home.

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另一个附属于法庭的调解计划,与调解婚姻纠纷有关。There is another court-annexed scheme of mediation in relation to matrimonial disputes.

我恼怒地打开印度大使的个人介绍页,当时纳闷难道这是婚介网站?I was peeved to find Ambassador's bio-data at a page and wondered if it was a matrimonial site?

首先通过解除婚约束缚、规范结婚形式而实现结婚自由。Conjugal freedom was realized by unchaining matrimonial vows and making conjugal form normative.

为夫妻财产制所规范的财产关系,是以夫妻身份关系为基础的特殊财产关系。Property of spouse is a special property relationship on the foundation of matrimonial identity.

一家婚介公司与某相亲网站联合对785名未婚男女进行了一次问卷调查。a matrimonial company and a matchmaking website conducted a questionnaire among 785 single people.

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第一部电影中讲述了五月到十二月的浪漫爱情,在续集中到了他们的感情进入到了婚姻阶段。A May-December romance that started in the first movie moves to a matrimonial phase in this sequel.

艾因先生是一个离婚律师在华盛顿和美国婚姻律师学会的资深会员。Mr. Ain is a divorce lawyer in Washington and a fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.

此文中,想要拥有至少一部发婚姻财产也完全是正常现象。In that context, the desire to hang on to at least a share in a matrimonial property was entirely natural.

婚姻省却是放宽在特定案件中的一个障碍,禁止或废止婚姻。A matrimonial dispensation is the relaxation in a particular case of an impediment prohibiting or annulling a marriage.

自从他死后,我决定不再婚或者找个孩子在我的婚姻居所,圣经是真的反对的理由。Since his death, I decided not to re-marry or get a child outside my matrimonial home which the Bible is really against.

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子女对父母的赡养义务,不因父母的婚姻关系变化而终止。Children's duty to maintain their parents shall not terminate with the change in their parents" matrimonial relationship.

他在“一个婚姻事件的商榷”中,论及皇帝同其堂姊妹的婚姻是否正当的问题。Then comes a "Consultation on a matrimonial cause, " on the question whether the Emperor was justified in marrying his cousin.

由于她的思想比她的母亲成熟些,所以她此刻也没有把德北菲尔德太太对她婚姻的希看当做一回事。Being mentally older than her mother she did not regard Mrs Durbeyfield's matrimonial hopes for her in a serious aspect for a moment.