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大型控制系统的核心滚动灯箱。Large-scale control system's core trundle lamphouse.

当我把手推车推向洞口的时候,大狗米可在后面跟着我。Mick the dog follows me as I trundle the barrow to the hole.

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所以你快乐的在欺骗别人和自己的两头来回滚动,没有半点道德。So you trundle along happily deceiving yourself and others with zero conscience.

他们计划在火星地表移动寻找水和生命的迹象。They plan to trundle across the Martian surface searching for signs of water and life.

我们飞奔回安装的海盗和特兰德尔的全日空成立后发生的地方接触。We scoot back and mount up in the Vikings and trundle to the ANA post where the contact happened.

森林里住着一群勤劳的屎克郞,它们每天推着粪球辛勤地工作着。There are a colony of dung beetles in the forest. They trundle sphere of the dungs working hard everyday.

让客户满意需求购每个脚轮载重范围在80KG-800KG都齐全。Let the customer satisfaction demand buy each trundle carrying capacity scope to be complete in 80KG-800KG.

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劳拉和玛莉脱了衣服,做了祷告之后一起钻到被里。He didn't come. Laura and Mary were undressed, and they said their prayers and snuggled into the trundle bed.

他们偶尔也会闯个红灯或是轧过人行道,但是他们还是会体谅行人的感受。Yes, people occasionally jump a red lights or trundle along a pavement, but it's done with some sensitivity to pedestrians.

我们的主要产品包括小型无声的核心控制系统的滚动灯箱,高速中东核心控制系统的滚动灯箱。Our main product including small silent core control system's trundle lamphouse, high speed Middle East core control system's trundle lamphouse.

当猫叔奥斯卡因一次农作事故失去两个后爪后,人们担心他恐怕得靠那种轮式装备滑来滑去了。When Oscar the cat lost both his hind paws in a farming accident, it was feared he'd have to trundle around in one of those wheeled-cat apparatuses.

主要产品有钢字模,冲字模,凹凸字模,标记字模,滚压字模,冲压字模,编码字模等。The main product has the steel matrix, flushes the matrix, concave-convex matrix, mark matrix, trundle matrix, punched matrix , code matrix and so on.

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玻璃砂带机设有万向轮工作台,可轻便快捷地削去玻璃的两边锐角。HSCB-01 glass cross belt grinding machine has the trundle work table, it is facile for glass sharp edging cornered grinding and corner grinding quickly.

在这个国家,满载干草的马车与奔驰及雷克萨斯高端车型在崎岖的道路上并驾齐驱,许多村民每天要从井中取水。Here, horse-drawn carts loaded with hay trundle on battered roads alongside top-end Mercedes and Lexus cars, and villagers get water from daily trips to wells.

这些小怪物听到医生的话,被吓住了,他们一个个步履沉重地离开了,但是,当小男孩正要睡着的时候,又有四个小怪物闯了进来,然后又有三个,又有两个,最后又有一个。Cowed, the little monsters trundle off, but just as the boy is getting to sleep, four new monsters barge in looking for fun, then three, then two, and finally, one.

此外,山坡处,几百棵树已经倒下,一大片深红色泥土在山坡上迅速堆了起来,如同一块难看的伤疤。Beyond it, an ugly scar of deep red earth runs up the hillside where hundreds of trees have been felled. Convoys of lorries trundle along the narrow roads, churning them to mud.

更诡异的是,大部份的不规则卫星都是逆行的,意即它们绕行的方向与母行星的自转方向相反。Odder still, most of the irregulars have retrograde orbits, which means they each trundle around their host planet in a direction opposite to the sense of the rotation of the planet.

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Bowen走到SARJ的右舷安装主推进器的轴承组件,卸下一个用于泊位的机械锁销,然后又重新安装了热能遮板。Bowen returned to the starboard SARJ to install the final trundle bearing assembly, retracted a berthing mechanism latch on the Japanese Kibo Laboratory and reinstalled its thermal cover.

太阳则必须滚过天际,他们对此不快,他们也想在工作之余休息,在他们自己的居所里活动,于是,Marduk同意了这个请求。And the sun has to trundle across the sky, and they're pretty unhappy about this and they want relief from working And laboring at their assigned stations and so Marduk accedes to this demand.