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戴适当手套。S37 Wear suitable gloves.

但要穿适当的保护。But wear suitable protection.

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适合做桅杆和帆桁。Suitable for masts and yards.

适合中等负荷。Suitable for medium-duty use.

做某事是适合于某人的。Be suitable for sb. to do sth.

这不适合给儿童看。It's not suitable for children.

这洋装很适合她。This dress is suitable for her.

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所以这就是适用性的含义。So this is what I call suitable.

适用于无乳糖饮食。Suitable for lactose-free diets.

适合极薄之金属材料的熔接。Suitable for thin metal welding.

不适合于锯切曲木。Not suitable for twisted timbers.

她没有适当的衣服可穿。She has nothing suitable to wear.

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适宜的烟囱烟雾排放解决方案Suitable Smokestack Smog Solution

什么年龄适合谈爱?What age is suitable for love ???

手感柔软、滑顺。Feel soft , slippery and suitable.

UDT是否只适合于大体积的数据?Is UDT only suitable for bulk data?

每一个都不适合在报上登。Niether is suitable for a newspaper.

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今天并无合适系泊浮泡。No suitable buoy is available today.

您不适合这款产品。This product isn t suitable for you.

适用于肺操干咳。Is suitable holds in the lung coughs.