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瑞芭指出,保密性是出了费用和承保范围之外需要考虑的问题。Confidentiality is another concern beyond costs and coverage, said Riba.

RIBA奖并非按规模大小评选,而是关注于那些为人们的生活增色的建筑作品。Far from being a size prize, the RIBA Awards are for buildings that offer value to peoples lives.

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获奖者的免疫印迹总统奖章学生奖宣布仪式昨天在伦敦。The winners of the RIBA President's Medals Student Awards were announced at a ceremony in London yesterday.

这是一个选择的候选项目,显示在免疫印迹在伦敦,与标题所提供的学生。Here is a selection of shortlisted projects, displayed at the RIBA in London, with captions provided by the students.

今年的RIBA奖还有一个特点,就是公共空间一项加入了展馆和名胜古迹建筑。An added feature of the RIBA Awards this year was the category of public spaces which included pavilions and monuments.

纳丁的调查涵盖了医学院校的保险方案,但是瑞芭提出一些医学生可能已经投保了其他的保险。Nardin's survey covered insurance plans offered by medical schools, but Riba noted that some medical students may be insured through other plans.

RIBA奖始终为如宝石一般的小型项目和尚未成熟的事务所提供崭露头脚的机会,今年自然也不例外。The RIBA Awards always give an opportunity for gem-like small projects and less established practices to shine through and this year is no exception.

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斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基工厂是practice在莫斯科第一个完成的项目,并已荣获多个奖项,其中包括曾奖给俄罗斯项目的第一个RIBA奖。The Stanislavsky Factory is the practice's first completed project in Moscow and has already won multiple awards, including the first RIBA Award ever given to a project in Russia.

瑞芭指出,保密性是出了费用和承保范围之外需要考虑的问题。一些学生担心寻求帮助会对今后的一些事造成影响,比如买人身保险时要付更高的费用等。Confidentiality is another concern beyond costs and coverage, said Riba. Some students worry that seeking help may affect later matters such as the cost of purchasing life insurance.

该项目已在包括英国皇家建筑师学会奖全国建筑和可持续发展奖的英国皇家建筑师协会建筑奖无数的问题。The project has been the subject of numerous architectural awards including the Royal Institute of British Architects National Award for Architecture and the RIBA Sustainability Award.

随即在1985年获得英皇家建筑协会「学生竞赛」冠军,并且在1987年获得伦敦皇家艺术学院「优秀设计新人奖」。He graduated from the Architectural Association, London in 1984 and was the prize winner of the RIBA Students Competition in 1985 as well as the London Royal Academy Young Designer Award in 1987.