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乙醛是有毒物质,会损害人体的DNA。Acetaldehyde is toxic and has been shown to damage DNA.

乙醛广泛存在于环境中,危害人体健康。Acetaldehyde almost exists ubiquitously and is harmful to people.

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酒精在体内代谢的中间产物为乙醛。Acetaldehyde is the intermediate product in the process of alcohol metabolism.

甲醛、乙醛和丙烯醛均为环境中常见的醛类。Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acrolein are common aldehyde in the environment.

乙醛相应的反应服从广义的堿催化。The corresponding reaction of acetaldehyde is subject to general base catalysis.

甲醛和乙醛混合,逐渐加入氢氧化钠到反应装置。Formaldehyde mixed with acetaldehyde and gradually adding sodium hydroxide as reactor.

光通量减弱使乙醛和甲苯的降解率均下降。Decreasing light intensity , the degradation of acetaldehyde and toluene both decreased.

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过程分两步走,酒精首先分解为乙醛,继而分解为醋酸盐。In this two-step process, alcohol is turned into acetaldehyde , which then becomes acetate.

臭氧氧化乙醛的能量效率随能量输入密度的增加而减少。The energy efficiency of acetaldehyde ozonation increased with the decrease in energy density.

催化臭氧氧化乙醛的能量效率随能量输入密度的增加而减少。The energy efficiency of acetaldehyde ozonation also increased with the decrease in energy density.

所建立的模型和模拟方法及计算结果对于乙醛工业生产过程的扩能改造具有指导作用。The model and its results may act as a useful guide to industrial process revamping of acetaldehyde.

介绍了建立静态顶空气相色谱法测定贮藏后玫瑰香葡萄中乙醇、乙醛含量的方法。A method for determination of alcohol and acetaldehyde in grapes with static headspace GC-FID has been developed.

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探讨瓶级聚酯切片乙醛含量高的原因和采取的对策。The reasons and countermeasures for the high acetaldehyde content in the bottle grade polyester chips are discussed.

这是因为大量饮酒后,肝细胞无法将有害物质乙醛全部处理,而造成急性中毒。Because of the heavy drinking, liver cells can be harmful material handling, and cause all acetaldehyde acute poisoning.

大部分人的身体都会通过一种叫做ALDH2的酶迅速将乙醇转化成一种相对无害的物质——醋酸盐。In most people, acetaldehyde is quickly converted to acetate, a relatively harmless substance, by an enzyme called ALDH2.

利用冷凝甲醛和乙醛的气相催化法,来研究丙烯醛的合成。The synthesis of acrolein by means of the catalytic vapor phase condensation of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde was studied.

某化工厂废水主要成份为乙醛、少量三聚乙醛、四聚乙醛、吡啶和一些乙醛聚合物。The main composition of this wastewater is acetaldehyde, paraldehyde, metaldehyde, pyridine and some acetaldehyde polymers.

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采用醋酸乙烯酯和乙醛为原料,合成了高效甲醛阻聚剂———聚乙烯醇缩乙醛。A kind of highly effective formaldehyde inhibitor, polyvinyl acetal was prepared from acetic acid, ethylene and acetaldehyde.

本论文建立了过程工业的实时优化系统,并将其应用于低温乳聚丁苯橡胶装置。In this paper, real time optimization was discussed, which was for the Wacker process for oxidation of ethane to acetaldehyde.

然后,以乙醛收率为目标函数,应用DFP法寻求最佳操作条件。Then, with acetaldehyde productivity taken as the objective function, the optimum operations are found by means of DFP method.