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朋友说我在逃避现实。Friends say I am escapism.

难道就不能有一点空间让我们逃避现实吗?Isn't there room for a bit of escapism?

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这些冒险片是纯粹的逃避现实。These adventure films are pure escapism.

回到童年仅仅就一个空想。Backing to the childhood is just a escapism.

终于,当我工作的时候,我不再逃避困难。It's no longer escapism if I am doing my job.

准备好享受一些逃避主义和许多乐趣。Be prepared for a little escapism and a lot of fun.

计划一次夏季度假旅行,是逃离寒冷天气的最好办法。Making plans for a summer break is perfect cold weather escapism.

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墨子思想之人民性具有功利性、现实性和空想性特征。Mo-tse's Thoughts feature utilitarianism, reality character and escapism.

阅读科幻小说只是对现实的一种逃避,除此没有任何意义,你同意么?Rading fantasy books is a form of escapism and nothing more do you agree?

天平座的逃避现实的心态在我身上展露的很完美,我讨厌现实。Tian Pingzuo of escapism mentality in me expose the very perfect, I hate reality.

在短期内,逃跑主义有用,但是被忽视的问题往往会恶化。Escapism can be useful in the short term. But neglected problems tend to get worse.

在大萧条时期,电影市场表现很好,因为这是“逃避主义”的廉价形式。During the Great Depression, movies did well because they were a cheap form of escapism.

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当你观察那些遭遇职业冷漠的人时,他们的反应基本上都是逃避。When you see someone suffering from career apathy, you’ll almost always see lots of escapism.

这自然在一定程度上反映了他脱离实际的空想性和面对现实的软弱性。At ease to a certain extent, this has reflected his long- haired escapism and faced real limpness.

人们看电视或为了消遣,或为了逃避现实,亦或是为了吸引自己一季接一季收看的故事情节。People watch TV for entertainment, escapism and stories that can keep them tuning in season after season.

学龄前期的儿童,面对住院压力最易生成退化、逃避等因应行为。The child, facing stress of hospitalization, used coping behaviors that included regression and escapism.

作为1935年至1938年间美国最有票房号召力的童星,小邓波儿给了民众亟需用以逃避现实的美好幻想。As America's top box-office draw from 1935 to 1938, the tiny Temple gave the country some much needed escapism.

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政策执行主体的利益驱动和政策执行机制的缺陷是政策规避产生的重要原因。The benefit of the mainstay and the defect of the mechanism in implementing policies are the important cause of policy escapism.

女性鞋子目前空前的高,Semmelhack认为在经济困难时期,存在一种“对现实逃避的更大需求。”Women's shoes are now at an all-time high, and Semmelhack believes during tough economic times, there's "a greater need for escapism."

睡觉是一种很好的充电方式,而一边看书一边喝上一杯茶更是一种缓解精神压力的好方法。Sleep is one of those recharging times, but even just being able to read a chapter of a book while having a cup of tea is great escapism for your mind.