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可记录DVD产品是做领跑者还是继续做跟随者?。Are recordable DVD products going to be the leader or keptbeing a follower?

要直接将内容从源盘复制到可刻录盘,请使用下面的命令To directly copy from the source disk to the recordable disk, use this command

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ERG锥杆反应重度下降或记录不到波。ERG cone and rod responses were markedly reduced or non recordable in all cases.

而文献与文件的共同点就在于,它们都是记录型信息源。The similarities between literatures and documents are recordable information source.

与可刻录的CD很相似,你的事业媒介也是一个等待填满的空容器。Much like a recordable CD, your career medium is an empty container waiting to be filled.

与高密度可录光盘匹配的有机记录材料研发也日新月异。The recording materials matched with the recordable high density optical compact disc develop quickly.

利用光密度曲线模型优化可写光盘的染料旋涂工艺。An optical density curve model for optimizing the dye coating process of recordable disc is introduced.

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它克隆你的DVD电影的任何一个单一的可录DVD以惊人的高速,高品质的光盘。It clone any of your DVD movies to a single recordable DVD disc with amazing high speed and top quality.

在基本功能方面两种存储方式并无差别,都是提供一种可刻录的高容量、高清晰存储媒介。In the basic function of two kinds of storage ways are there to provide a recordable high capacity, hd storage media.

而可录DVD则可从一个播放器移到别一个播放器。Recordable DVD can be moved from one player to another . The only thing you won’t be able to do is record other movies.

它是能替代盒式录音带的下一代可录式个人音响系统。Moreover, it would be used to replace the cassette tape of the next generation as a recordable model personal sound system.

它的那些含有“SuperDrives”光驱的可以刻录双层或者双面DVD的系统最多也只能每张盘存储8.5G的容量。Its machines include "SuperDrives" that can burn dual layer or double layer recordable DVDs, storing up to 8.5GB per platter.

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可记录DVD介质中DVD-ROM向后兼容缺陷扇区管理的方法可以包括下列步骤。A method for DVD-ROM backwards-compatible defective sector management in recordable DVD media can include the following steps.

但是一般的空白光盘刻录的话,在VCD里面放的质量比较差一点,好一些的空白光盘可能效果要好一些!But generally blank recordable CD- ROM , then put in VCD quality, almost, so some of the possible effect of blank optical discs better!

而可录式媒体的寿命会因为曝光于读取雷射光之次数而受限制,控制读取雷射之能量,即可控制碟片之寿命。However, the life of the recordable media is limited by the light exposure to reading laser. Controlling the power of reading laser can limit the life the disks.

在一个实施例中,所述期满引擎把期满信息写入光学介质,例如,可记录光学介质初始化时的日期标志。In one embodiment, the expiration engine writes expiration information to the optical media, such as a date stamp at initialization of a recordable optical medium.

可惜的是,他们进一步搜查并发现了金的笔记本电脑,四张内部硬盘驱动,一张闪存驱动,一盘录影带和29张可记录CD。Suspicious, they looked further and discovered Jin carried a laptop computer, four external hard drives, a flash-memory thumb drive, a videotape and 29 recordable CDs.

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根据2001年时的规则,对涉嫌重罪或“需记录的”罪行被捕的人,无需本人同意便可采集DNA,且即便最终证明此人无罪仍将保留。Under 2001 rules DNA can be taken without consent from any person arrested for a serious, or "recordable", crime and kept even if that individual turns out to be innocent.

另,本发明还公开了一种只读单面单层蓝光光盘及可录单面单层蓝光光盘的制造方法。In addition, the invention also discloses manufacturing methods of a read-only single-surface single-layer blue ray disc and a recordable single-surface single-layer blue ray disc.

允许非公有资本进入出版物印刷、可录类光盘生产、只读类光盘复制等文化行业和领域。Allowing the non-public-owned capital to involve in such cultural industries and fields as the printing of publications, the production of recordable CDs and the replication of CD-Rom.