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艺术还是商业?Artsy or commercial?

我宁愿看一些更加艺术的影片。I would love to see some more artsy films.

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我知道可能在别人眼里我是个附庸风雅的的人。And I know I may be an artsy person in sb′s eyes.

嗯嗯,这听起来很抽象、很艺术,但这是真的。Yeah yeah, it sounds all artsy and abstract, but it’s true.

但在评委眼中,该片在艺术上还欠些火候。In the judges’ eyes, however, the film was just not artsy enough.

接下来在家卫一系列艺术电影中饰演各类“好人”角色。Wai then cast him in a number of good-guy roles in his artsy films.

我纳闷为什么我们一直必定来看这种附庸风雅的片子。I don't understand why we always have to go see such artsy -f artsy movies.

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它运用艺术性手法讲述了美国艾滋病患者的故事。Angels in America tells the story about AIDS in America in a very artsy way.

这段时间日本媒体纷纷曝料鸠山早年少为人知的具有艺术气质的一面。Japanese media have been digging up video of Hatoyama's formerly less-known artsy side.

我发现摄影师找寻一个艺术的角度以拍下最佳的照片是一个特别有趣的事情。I find it particularly funny how the photographer uses artsy angles to get the best shot.

他们有着同样古怪夸张的发型,都戴着一副彩色眼镜,交谈时也都喜欢捋着自己那颇具艺术家气息的山羊胡。They sport equally wacky hair and tinted glasses, and stroke their artsy goatees as they talk.

就其本身而言,荷兰绝对是个布满艺术气息的国度,许多闻名的艺术家都来自于此。In itself, the Netherlands is a rather artsy country where many, many famous artists have come from.

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我们拿Animoto公司举个例子,它提供通过人工智能让用户把相片转成艺术MTV的服务。Take Animoto, a service that lets users turn photos into artsy music videos using artificial intelligence.

作为一个真正的艺术家,我需要独特的书,一个大致的方向和风格,以及其他艺术圈里的朋友。I thought that in order to be a real artist, I needed cool books, a certain attitude and style, and other artsy friends.

我就搞不明白我们为什么要看这些狗屁文艺电影,难道我们就不能够看一部老式的浪漫喜剧吗。I don't understand why we always have to go see such artsy -fartsy movies. Why can't we just watch a good old-fashioned romantic comedy sometimes?

而我喜欢动脑子,对艺术充满热情,在大部分的时间里我都会弹弹钢琴,在舞蹈室跳跳舞,或者在天平前面称东西。I was the brain and artsy one, who spent more time practicing my scales and arpeggios on our baby grand piano and perfecting pirouettes in the dance studio.

罗德岛设计学院那些有艺术家气质的学生可以放下画笔,选修“罪之艺术和艺术之罪”这门课。该课程对罪孽和艺术世界的关系进行思考。Those artsy types at the Rhode Island School of Design can put down their paintbrushes and take "The Art of Sin and the Sin of Art", which contemplates the relationship between sin and the art world.