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并与增加修饰语,二专栏。And , with the added epithet , II Chron.

金里奇咒骂我们的称呼,在某些方面来说,是正确的。The epithet Gingrich hurled at us was correct in some respects.

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不过,对于她来说,小野发现这一绰号决不她痛心。For her part, though, Ono found the epithet less than distressing.

但另一方面,他却似乎爱上了那位“美国战争贩子总统”。the other seemed to love the epithet of "America's warmongering president.

移就属于一种超常规搭配的修辞方法。Transferred epithet belongs to a rhetorical device of supernormal collocation.

佛教常以此作为佛陀和他的阿罗汉弟子的一个别称。Buddhistsadopted the termas an epithet for the Buddha and his arahant disciples.

辞格和辞规都应该归属典型修辞方法,辞趣则应区别对待。Epithet and Cigui belong to the former, while Ciqu should be treated respectively.

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转移修饰语与中心词之间的语义冲突是移就修辞的区别性特征。English transferred epithet is composed of transferred modifier and the central word.

的确,一些观察者担心反科学这个词会失去意义。Indeed, some observers fear that the antiscience epithet is in danger of becoming meaningless.

确实,一些观察者担心反科学这个词正处于消失的边际。Indeed, some observers fear that the anti-science epithet is in danger of becoming meaningless.

本文从通感的表现形式,作用及与修饰语移置辞格的辨析对该辞格进行探讨。This paper makes an analysis of its formation , function and difference from transferred epithet.

但是,从移就的心理基础看,它又属于“邻接联想”。However, from the angle of psychology, transferred epithet belongs to "Figures Based on Contiguity".

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应您之请求,我已手书药师佛的圣号。档案附呈。As you requested I had written the holy epithet of Medicine Guru Buddha in calligraphy. It is attached.

在已经发现的382块泥板中,有2块是由绰号“母狮子”的女性签署的。Of the 382 tablets that have been found, two were signed with the feminine epithet "Mistress of the Lionesses ."

应子浩以下之提请,我已将〈南无无垢目如来〉的圣号书成翰墨了。As requested by disciple Hao below, I had written the holy epithet of "Namo Spotless Eyes Buddha" in calligraphy.

但是几十年后,到了1950年代中期以及民权运动中,这个词就变成了带有强烈种族侮辱的称谓。But decades later, by the mid-1950s and in the struggle for civil rights, the word became a bitter racial epithet.

“长舌男”是到处有的,不知为什么这名词尚不甚流行。Gossip men, know as "long-tongued men", are found everywhere although the epithet is somehow none too popular yet.

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一个转移修饰语是一个单词被转换,从名词符合逻辑地变换成其关联词。A transferred epithet is one that is shifted from the noun it logically modifies to a word associated with that noun.

“长舌男”是到处有的,不知为什么这名词尚不甚流行。Gossipy men, known as " long-tongued men", are found everywhere although the epithet is somehow none too popular yet.

“长舌男”是到处有的,不知为什么这名词尚不甚流行。Gossipy men, known as "long-tongued" man", are found everywhere although the epithet is somehow none too popular yet.