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三个来自破碎的家庭。Three come from abusive households.

他喝醉时就满口脏话骂人了。He became abusive when he was drunk.

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向这名骂人的队员直接出示红牌。Show the abusive player a straight red card.

所以他给出了一个欺骗性的例子。So he gives this example of abusive of words.

控制性行为是爱施权利人的一个标志。Controlling behaviors are a sign of an abusive person.

吸毒、性病和多性伴等因素影响HIV-1感染过程。Drug abuse, abusive sex and STD affect HIV-1 infection.

当地法官认定这个青年犯了辱骂他人罪。Magistrates found the youth guilty of abusive behavior.

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为了逃避屈辱的婚姻,她逃到父母家。She fled to her parents’ house to escape an abusive marriage.

当那位警官请这位年轻人出示驾照时他就开始骂骂咧咧了。When the cop asked the young man for his license, he became abusive.

在随机跟贴中,他留下了一连串彩色的辱骂性文字。He left a whole series of colorfully abusive comments on random posts.

商人越是无理,搬运工却显得越加心平气和。The more abusive the businessman became, the calmer the porter seemed.

激怒或激怒某人写辱骂人身攻击。To Enrage or exasperate someone is to write an abusive personal attack.

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在我们最后一次挂掉电话以前,我坦言他是一个虐待狂。I told him he was being abusive before we both hung up for the last time.

地球正改变本质为暴力与类似战争的思想形态。Earth is transcending thought-form that is abusive and war-like in nature.

这就意味着要对付大量精神受到伤害的动物——和野蛮的物主。That means dealing with a lot of traumatized animals -- and abusive owners.

我不会乱说,但是我会看看轻松的一面的生活。I'm not being abusive here , but trying to look at the lighter side of life.

她丈夫的凶暴,辱骂行为将他逼到了几乎绝望的境地。Her husband 's violent and abusive behavior drove her to the verge of despair.

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这样的人们的提升没有转化滥用和破坏性思想形态。Such humans ascended without transmuting abusive and destructive thought-form.

这包括不要对我口头威胁、辱骂和身体上的触碰。This includes. findlaw verbal threats, abusive language, and physical contact.

如果它的确是一则抨击性的消息,看他的反应会非常有趣的。It would be interesting to see his reaction if it is indeed an abusive message.