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她的眉毛很秀气。Her eyebrows are shapely.

艾琳有一双曲线美好的腿。Evelyn has a pair of shapely legs.

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开叉的裙子暴露出匀称的腿。A slit skirt revealed shapely legs.

她挑逗的将一只手放在自己结实的臀部上。She put a hand on her shapely hip, ­provocatively.

那棵雪松约有五尺高,风姿优美。The cedar was about five feet high and very shapely.

那个体态优美的女孩子靠卖黑纱为生。The girl with shapely body scraped a living by selling crapes.

平静的湖水映出山的优美轮廓。The still water of the lake mirrored the shapely figure of the mountain.

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灏明把栎鑫放在地板上,弯下身亲吻他漂亮的胸膛。Ham laid Yue on the floor and bent over to kiss him on his shapely chest.

栎鑫把灏明放在地板上,弯下身亲吻他漂亮的胸膛。Yue laid Ham on the floor and bent over to kiss him on his shapely chest.

其曲线的艺术结构和使用的线描是真正优秀的。Its shapely art structure and the using of line drawing are really outstanding.

杰莎是一名身材高挑匀称的女子,有一头金黄色的卷发,脸上长有雀斑。Jessa is a tall, shapely woman, with curly blond ringlets of hair, and freckles.

他们期望感谢那放弃了的巢居因为他们的笼子合适且安全。They expect thanks for the banished nest because their cage is shapely and secure.

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研究发现,修长匀称的手臂被认为比美腿更有吸引力。Long, shapely arms are considered more attractive than endless legs, the study has found.

你觉得购物街的那些女生们穿上迷你裙,大秀她们美丽有型的腿,是为了什么?Why do you think the girl at the mall is wearing a miniskirt that shows off her shapely legs?

这款瓷器具有独特的雕刻风格,面盆盆腔形状优雅。The porcelain is fashioned with carved moldings that elegantly frame the shapely cut of the basin.

他把它拿开,露出一个底和四周是松木瓦块的小宝箱来。He took it up and disclosed a shapely little treasure-house whose bottom and sides were of shingles.

这里放眼望去全是绿色,挺拔的树木形成了政府议院的花园墙。Here is the part, very green, with shapely trees, which lies the walled gardens of Government House.

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它形成了一个很好的圆形,微拱匀称优良灌木生长和健康,有光泽的树叶。It forms a nicely rounded, slightly arching shrub with excellent shapely growth and healthy, glossy foliage.

他们最显著的特征是头骨基部长出的一对触角。这对触角美观而适于抓物。Their most distinctive feature is a pair of shapely prehensile tentacles that grow from the base of their skulls.

淡蓝色与褪色的70年代风格丹宁为零售市场中提供了柔和又有型的选择。The lighter shades of blue and faded '70s-inspired denim help to create a softened and shapely choice in the market.