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消除交流哼声。Elimination of AC hum.

消除了基于浏览器的编码Elimination of browser-specific coding

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凯特·维奇很快被消灭了。Quick elimination there for Kate Veatch.

彻底消除所有的苦患叫做静。Complete elimination of all Kuhuan called static.

没有,成对不使用顺序消除。No, Pairwise does not use sequential elimination.

不会产生任何形式的胶状物。Elimination of gel formation and gumming deposits.

比赛以三回合的淘汰赛形式进行。The Competition was a three-round elimination match.

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在2-5天内可有效观察到安定的清除。The elimination of diazepam was observed in 2-5 days.

我们在消灭麻风方面正在作出巨大努力。We are making great strides with leprosy elimination.

我们请贵方承担排除故障的费用。We ask you to cover the expenses of defect elimination.

取消补贴应该有一个确定的时间表。There should be a fixed timetable for their elimination.

公共子表达式消除和代数简化Common Subexpression Elimination and Algebraic Simplification

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第四个问题是涤除权制度取舍。The fourth problem is whether to keep elimination regulation.

不过之后公司高层消除了这一疑虑。However, after the elimination of high-level corporate misgivings.

美国冠军摩尔曾一度濒临绝境而泪流满面。U. S. winner Ms. Moore got teary on the brink of elimination ─ Ms.

你赞成强制性婚前健康检查的取消吗?Do you support the elimination of compulsory pre-marriage check-up?

为消除石棉相关疾病,世卫组织在做何事?What WHO is doing for the elimination of asbestos-related diseases?

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这一赌注就是消除国际贸易壁垒。The pot-sweetener is the elimination ofinternational trade barriers.

本·拉丹之死能否终结伊斯兰武装?So will the elimination of bin Laden put an end to Islamic militancy?

消雾是人工影响天气的重要一部分。The elimination fog is an important part in manual impact on weather.