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该台板是发动机的基础。The bedplate is the foundation of the engine.

众所周知,台板是由木材精制而成的。As everyone knows, bedplate was well made by the timber.

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主轴承和连杆轴承应定期检查,损坏的轴瓦应从底座转出并换新。The defective bearing bushes should be turned out of the bedplate and renewed.

减速机以底面法兰侧面的四条刻线对准台板划线进行找正。The gear reducer is aligned based on 4 mark lines on sides of bottom flange and bedplate marks.

一印头对应三台板组合,最大限度提高使用效率,套色较少时可实现一机多用。Combination of one printing head to three bedplate could improve be used all-purpose with little chromatically.

几天后,传授到床底下找拖鞋,赫然看到本身最好朋侪的遗体被面朝下钉在床板下。A few days later, the professor found the body of his best friend whose face was facing down was stapling under the bedplate.

地面和顶层采用了原色的木地板,洗脸池的台板中也暗含了石头元素。The ground and top layer used unbleached wooden floor board, stone element also was implied in the bedplate of the pool that wash a face.

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比如,挑选床具时,她们会留意床板与地面的距离,床垫的软硬程度。For instance, when choosing a bed to provide, they will be advertent the distance of bedplate and ground, the soft strong pitch of mattess.

为保证减速机精确定位,修磨因不慎而造成的减速机底面上和基础台板表面上的凸痕等。In order to ensure the accurate alignment of the gear reducer, grind and remove the imprint marks unintentionally left on the gear reducer surface and foundation bedplate surface.

为防止安装后并且在长期使用情况下,减速机底面与台板表面锈蚀在一起,应在台板表面上均匀涂以一层薄薄的MoS2润滑脂。In order to prevent corrosion of gear reducer surface and bedplate surface occurring during operation after installation, apply a uniform thin film of MoS2 lubricating grease to bedplate surface.