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如果这个NPV是负的,那么这个项目也不值得继续从事下去。If the NPV is negative then the project is not worth pursuing.

家蚕抗核型多角体病分子标记筛选。Screening of Molecular Markers for NPV Resistance in Bombyx mori L.

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如果办公楼的预期价值包含有风险,我们计算的净现值就是有误的。If the future value of the building isrisky, our calculation of NPV is wrong.

实物期权可比DCF-NPV法更有效地运用于企业的资本预算过程中。Real option is more efficient in asset budget than the method of DCF and NPV.

研究结果表明已经获得了抗NPV的核酶转基因蚕。The results showed that the transgenic silkworm strain of anti NPV ribozyme has been got.

如果这个上市所需的时间能够满足,那么这个解决方案的NPV就可以计算出来。If the time to market requirement can be met, then the NPV of the proposed solution is calculated.

那么,预估未来钾进口的净现值就相当于该交易的净现值。At that level, the net present value of estimated future potash imports equals the NPV of the deal.

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净现值法是绝对数衡量项目的收益能力,而内含报酬率法是用相对数。Thus, if the NPV is greater than zero, then the IRR is also greater than the required rate of return.

应用舞毒蛾病毒方法简单,效果好,为今后在柞蚕场区防治舞毒蛾探索出了一条新路。As a result, the application of gypsy moth NPV in the control of Lymantria dispar was safe in tussah field.

但是,如果NPV为负,项目可能就应该被拒绝,因为现金流动也将为负。However, if NPV is negative, the project should probably be rejected because cash flows will also be negative.

通常,我们会分析很多情节来为NPV确定期望情况和最差情况的价值。Typically, a number of scenarios are analyzed to determine the expected case and the worst case values for NPV.

我们经常用项目前期的结论作为后面的基础,无论最差情况是否在可接受范围之内。Often the decision to go ahead with a project is based on whether the worst-case NPV is within acceptable limits.

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净现值指数排序法是解决资金预算总额有限情况下独立型方案选优问题的方法之一。The method of NPV index is one of the methods that chooses the optimum plan of independent alternative for fund-limited enterprises.

在收益法价值评估的基础上,根据欧式B-S期权定价公式,给出房地产实物期权定价近似公式。According to B-S European options, the approximate formula of real estate options can be deduced based on the NPV method in the paper.

公司宣布由于更新了魁北克Renard钻石项目的初步经济价值评估分析,公司的税前净现值得到了提高。has reported that the pre-tax NPV increase due to the Updated Preliminary Economic Assessment of the Renard Diamond Project in Quebec.

NPV是一种用于资本预算的方法,在预算中要从现金流入的现值中减去现金流出的现值。NPV is an approach used in capital budgeting where the present value of cash inflows is subtracted by the present value of cash outflows.

而本文则主要分析了EVA与MVA间的关系,并证明在项目投资评价中,MVA与NPV之间的等价性。This article mainly analyzes the relations between EVA and MVA and proves the equivalent of MVA and NPV in assessment of project investment.

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有很多变化就意味着项目目标仍在变化,同时也意味着NPV评估部分或者全部都值得怀疑。A lot of change means that the projects goals may still be in flux, which would mean that the NPV estimates may be partially or fully suspect.

以净现值、现值指数相结合的综合评价标准,构建企业资本限量投资项目组合优化模型。从而确定最优投资项目组合方案和合理投资规模。Combining the standers of NPV and PI, a mixed model of capital rationing investment and the rational investment volume are set up in this paper.

反过来说,评估中的可变性可通过增加NPV中项目的要求汇报率来调整。Alternatively, variability in the estimates can be accommodated by increasing the required rate of return for the project in the NPV calculation.