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政治家很重视一个伙伴的坚定性和可靠性。Statesmen prize steadiness and reliability in a partner.

在我写这篇文章时,稳健正悄悄溜回到竞赛中。As I write, steadiness is creeping back into the competition.

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她在追求自己的目标时表现出坚定性与勇气。She showed steadiness and courage in the pursuit of her aims.

爷爷坚定的眼神也告诉了我他也有如此强烈的感受。The steadiness in Grandpa's eyes told how much he felt it too.

仿真实验表明两者都具有较强的鲁棒性、稳键性。Both have higher robustness and steadiness shown by simulation.

安定中长大的孩子,将来必能信任自己、信任他人。The kids growing up in steadiness will trust others and themselves.

静坐下来,你就能体会到那种稳定和静谧。There is steadiness and calmness that comes from sitting in silence.

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该方法具有精度稳定性好,编程算法简洁的特点。The algorithm has steadiness in precision and formulation in program algorithm.

足球运动员在运动中完成技术动作的质量和效果,受到自身身体稳度的影响。The quality of technical movement of a soccer player is if feeted by his steadiness.

我们不停地在两个极端间摇摆,未能表现出长期的稳定性。Careening from one extreme to another, we have failed to project long-term steadiness.

这些马匹拥有发达的肌肉,而带给它们主人的则是稳定和速度。These horses command a hefty sum, but they reward their owners with steadiness and speed.

人民必须相信一位领导人的能力和稳定性,才能信任他。To have faith in a leader, people must also believe in his or her competence and steadiness.

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地方政府债务风险已经成为威胁我国经济安全与社会稳定的巨大隐患。The risks of local government debts have imperiled economy security as well as society steadiness.

但司法必须坚守有限性、被动性、稳定性的特质规定。However, the judicial system must stick to the principles of limitedness, passiveness and steadiness.

换句话说,山式中挺拔而坚定的站立,让你感受到山峰的稳定与根基。In other words, standing tall and firm in Tadasana gives you the steadiness and foundation of a mountain.

两位作者的通信用一种尖锐、泼辣、深刻、沉稳的论战风格写成,别具一格。The letters between the authors are written in a unique style of satire, pungency, profundity and steadiness.

年轻球员从球队的稳定成绩中获益,吉格斯这样的老队员也必须让自己变得年轻。Young players benefit from the steadiness within the team, old-timers like Giggs cannot help but be rejuvenated.

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没有人可以质疑他的胆识远见和冷静沉著,虽然他有部份的稳健来自于他庞大的酗烟量。No one could doubt his grit or calm, even if he owed some of his steadiness to a prodigious consumption of cigarettes.

本文著重对萘的热稳定性以及碳钢萘间的相容性进行实验研究。This paper studied emphatic ally the heat steadiness of naphthaline and compatibility of naphthaline with carbon steel.

利用表面活性剂PVP与超声辐照,实现了纳米银粒子的分散、活化和稳定。The dispersion and steadiness of silver nanoparticles were realized by use of surface activator PVP and ultrasonic radiation.