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有9篇没有比较组间的均衡性。Still another 9 didn' t compare the interclass equilibration.

你可以根据梯度范围等比的调整重新平衡时间。You can adjust the equilibration time in proportion to the gradient range.

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究竟平衡作用发生在铬铁矿和矽酸盐下沉之前,还是在其后?Did equilibration take place before or after setting of chromite and silicates?

究竟平衡作用发生在铬铁矿和硅酸盐下沉之前,还是在其后?Did equilibration take place before or after setting of chromite and silicates ?

我不认为需要另外做试验来认证平衡时间是理想的。I don't see any need to separately validate that the equilibration conditions are satisfactory.

如果变化太大了,那就增大平衡时间到20分钟并重新试验。If the variation was too large, then increase the equilibration time to 20 min and repeat the runs.

在磷的吸附——解吸动态平衡中,吸附作用趋势强于解吸作用趋势。Phosphorus desorption function was stronger than adsorption function in phosphate dynamic equilibration.

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由于脂肪组织的血液灌注差,达到平衡状态所需的时间也长,特别是那些脂肪亲和力高的药物。Because fat is poorly perfused, equilibration time is long, especially if the drug has a high affinity for fat.

你可以很容易地把这个值除以表示为毫升每分钟的流速而得到平衡时间。You can convert this value easily to the equilibration time by dividing by the flow rate in milliliters per minute.

通过对冷冻液和平衡时间的筛选,研究了裸露小鼠卵泡卵母细胞的一步冷冻。One-step freezing on denuded follicular oocytes in mouse was studied by selecting freezing solution and equilibration time.

油气平衡式并联技术平均分配回油,并强调气压和油位的平衡。Return oil is equally divided, and uniform crankcase pressure and oil level are purposely kept in equilibration parallel system.

采用平衡振荡法研究了精异丙甲草胺在粘壤土、粘土及砂壤土中的吸附和解吸附行为。The adsorption and desorption behaviors of S-metolachlor in three different soils were investigated using the batch equilibration method.

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淋巴系统是必要的适当平衡液在体内,抗感染和最重要的是充分辩护。The lymphatic system is essential for proper fluid equilibration within the body, and most importantly for adequate defense against infections.

如果把两个或更多容器并联在一起,排气阀也应该连接在一起,以确保所有容器之间的压力平衡。If two or more containers are manifolded , the vent valves should also be connected together to ensure pressure equilibration between all the containers.

心理不健康不同于心理障碍,它是平衡化过程中必然出现的不平衡态。Mental derangement is different from it which is not in mental health, and it is not in equilibrium status appeared in equilibration process necessarily.

如果变化可以接受而且你就希望缩短分析的总时间,那就可以减少平衡时间,比如10分钟,再重复试验。If the variation is acceptable and you would like a shorter total cycle time, then reduce the equilibration time, perhaps to 10 min, and repeat the experiment.

综合平衡吸附量、穿透时间和平衡时间三个指标进行比较,活性炭的吸附性能要优于分子筛。The adsorption of activated carbon was better than zeolite through the comparison of equilibrium adsorption capacity, breakthrough time and equilibration time.

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基于桑德逊电负性均衡原理,改进了计算方法,计算出溶剂分子中的正电荷分数,得到的常用溶剂极性顺序与实测顺序基本一致。Then, the fraction of positive charges in a molecule of some common solvents was calculated, based upon Sanderson's equilibration principle on electronegativity.

皮亚杰把心灵的发展看作是已有知识和当前经验不断达到平衡的过程,伴随这一过程的是同化与顺应。Piaget views intellectual development as a continuous equilibration of prior knowledge and present knowledge through the processes of assimilation and accommodation.

结论血清钙调节相关激素浓度随增龄发生变化,这些改变引起骨吸收增加,骨形成减少,骨代谢向负平衡发展,可能是原发性骨质疏松的主要因素。The change caused bone resorption creating and bone formation reducing. Bone metabolism tends to lose equilibration. It maybe the main factor for primary osteoporosis.