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它是用来赋值的。It is an assignment.

最难的任务吗?Toughest assignment?

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所以,这里是你的任务。So here's your assignment.

今天,我们有一项任务。Today we have an assignment.

我恳求免除分派的那个任务。I begged off that assignment.

这一定是学校的课外作业。It must be a school assignment.

这是任务,开始动手做吧。That's the assignment. Get busy.

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结构是在指派时复制的。Structs are copied on assignment.

作业在下节课交。The assignment is due next class.

他事实上给我们布置了任务。He's actually given us assignment.

琼思考着怎样写这项作业。Jean thought about the assignment.

你将如何为这个作业评分?How would you grade the assignment?

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现在,我要分配给你一个任务了。Today I have an assignment for you.

问题之一就是工作分配。One such problem is work assignment.

那是个短期的特殊使命。That was a short special assignment.

这些就是家庭作业So that's on the homework assignment.

这是我的机票和座位号。Here is my ticket and seat assignment.

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然后又把生物作业弄丢了。Then I lost my assignment for biology.

你的任务是仔细评论这首诗。Your assignment is to dissect the poem.

人生在世是一项暂时性的任务Life on earth is a temporary assignment.