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临床证明温和。Clinically proven mildness.

但是,事实证明这是错的。But it has proven to be wrong.

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我们能证明第三定律吗?,不能。Can the Third Law be proven? No.

我们能证出第二定律吗?,不能。Can the Second Law be proven? No.

案件中发现的伤逝未被证实。The jury found the casenot proven.

他已经证明了自己的执行力。He's proven he can execute already.

每年都有新理论被证明。New theories are proven every year.

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希拉里已向世人证明自己是位颇得人心的参议员。She has proven to be a popular senator.

现在已经证明了有公司就是这么做的It's been proven that companies do that.

他已经证明他自己是一件主要的事件。He's proven himself to be a main eventer.

文后对这种方法进行了仿真验证。The method has been proven by simulation.

这些技巧很多,而且很实用。These techniques are numerous and proven.

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米勒是一个久经考验的传球手和射手。Miller is a proven play maker and shooter.

补充免疫活动被证实为特别有效。The SIAs have proven especially effective.

它对恶心、晕船也很有效。It's proven quite effective against nausea.

在此例举临证医案四则以佐证。Four proven cases were presented for examples.

这可是最伟大的配镜师验证肯定了的。It's been proven by the greatest optometrists.

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证监会的这些指控尚未得到法庭证实。The OSC allegations have not been proven in court.

它已被证明是一个很好的泻药来源。It has been proven as an excellent laxative source.

我们的豆奶配方奶粉可以减少宝宝的吵闹和胀气。Our soy formula proven to reduce fussiness and gas.