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我对工作不像以前那样热心了。I'm not enthuse over my job any more than before.

引导企业每一个成员“思考客户”意识。Enthuse everybody in your company to "Think Customer".

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完成阿雷你醒醒的第一章后很难不狂喜乱舞。It's hard not to enthuse after this first episode of Alan Wake.

这样一来,你的新朋友肯定会给予热情回复的。And you'll likely get an enthuse sciatic reply from your new friend.

这整体效果是一个每次都能让聆听者充满热情的音乐品质所带来。It is an ensemble of musical qualities that will enthuse listeners every time.

或许一个最重要因素是幼儿园教育鼓起勇气孩子学习。Probably one of the most crucial elements of nursery education is to enthuse the child about learning.

现在,英国的官员们认为,由于默克尔已经成功连任德国总理,她对推动布莱尔担任常任理事会主席有了挥洒热情的资本。And British officials now feel that, following her re-election as German chancellor, Merkel can afford to enthuse about a president Blair.

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“我认为我们的建筑作品会向人们展现另一个世界,带给人们热情和创意的灵感,”Hadid在一个声明中表示。"I think through our architecture, we can give people a glimpse of another world, and enthuse them, make them excited about ideas," Hadid said in a statement.

如今,微软却显露出令人担忧的迹象-中年人的疲惫感,尤其是目前微软正在苦苦挣扎,寻找能够让心怀不满的股东重燃热情的增长策略。But the company is now showing some worrying signs of middle-age fatigue. In particular, it is struggling to find a growth strategy that will enthuse disgruntled shareholders.

是时候将首席执行官的角色转换到首席激励官了,让他们激发、鼓励、并帮助在价值区间辛勤工作的员工。The time has come for chief executive officers to transform themselves into chief enabling officers who enable, encourage, and enthuse employees that are toiling in the value zone.

尽管莱昂纳多也试图进一步去激励他的队员们,但手头上的任务需要更多的毅力才能得以完成,这意味着从现在起到赛季结束都要有完美的表现。Although Leonardo has attempted to enthuse his players further, he understands the task in hand involves a major push, as well as a degree of perfection from now until the end of term.

尤其是近些年来Wisla俱乐部获得了很多支持,因为他们的球队在波兰甲级联赛中居领先地位,还赢得了一系列国内锦标赛。Notably supporters of the Wisla Club have a lot to enthuse about in the recent years as their side has dominated the Poland’s premier league and won a string of the country’s championships.