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但是最后你还是难逃现实的羁绊,因为现实总是让你失望。And reality inevitably disappoints you.

可是谁能想到这样一笔暴富之源让以色列无可避免的深感头疼。But such bonanzas inevitably bring headaches.

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你真知道喜乐将不可避免地降临吗?Do you know that the joy is inevitably coming?

其中不可避免地将会有一个大浪淘沙的过程。There will inevitably be a sorting-out process.

但不可避免会有人对这种比较提出质疑。But inevitably the comparisons can be contested.

他干的坏事必然会暴露。His wrong doing will inevitably trips itself up.

双方不管是谁,只要他第一个做出错误反应,将不可避免地成为输家。Whoever makes the first mistake will inevitably lose.

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飘花电影网这有关系吗她必须不可避免地停止,完全地。Did it matter that she must inevitably cease, completely.

在丘陵上漫步,总是不可避免地觉得跟生灵与你同行。TO WANDER on the Downs is inevitably to walk with ghosts.

建立工厂不可避免地要占用国有土地。Factories inevitably occupy land that was once state-held.

面对着外面的广阔天地,姜海不可避免地有点动心了。Facing the outside world, Jiang Hai inevitably have a crush.

矫揉造作不可避免的会暴露不能肯定自己的人。Affectation is inevitably the mark of one not sure of himself.

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还是说,这个忌惮创新的地区终将落后于人呢?Or will a region that fears innovation inevitably fall behind?

一宗案件会不可避免地涉及许多事实和证据争议。A case will inevitably involve many facts and issues of evidence.

身为牧师,他的等级观必然也会限制他。As a priest, the framework of his order inevitably hemmed him in.

因而,对这些国家援助效果无疑将会受到损害。And therefore, effectiveness of aid to them will inevitably suffer.

初相识,免不了的是矜持和小心翼翼。Chu Xiangshi inevitably be reflected in the restrained and careful.

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阶级矛盾的不断加深将不可避免的减缓增长。The class divisions will deepen further as growth inevitably slows.

安卓机都难免会用到豌豆荚,但是豌豆荚有些同学不会用。S are inevitably used pea pods, but some students not with pea pods.

这笔款几经转手,必然有一部分被经手人染指。To hand, some of it inevitably sticks to the fingers that it touches.