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副议长主持了会议。The Deputy Speaker took the chair.

这个李刚是当地一个区的公安分局副局长。’—the district’s deputy police chief.

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在那之前,他是白宫办公厅副主任。And before that, he was a Deputy WHCS.

是奉了代理检察官的命令吗?By the orders of the deputy procureur?

卫生部副部长王陇德说。Deputy Health Minister Wang Longde said.

军事委员会代表告退。Deputy of Military council has resigned.

大尉于协理员本能的惊诧说。The captain to Deputy instinct was said.

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我认为他应该去申请副处长的职务。I think he should go for a deputy head post.

只有副大使还留在埃及。Only the deputy ambassador remains in Egypt.

营口市人民政府副市长。Deputy Mayor of Yingkou municipal government.

我把职责委托给了我的代理人。I delegated my responsibilities to my deputy.

中国驻孟买总领馆王振华副总领事说。Wang Zhenhua, the deputy Consul-General said.

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副市长何寄华参加会见。Deputy Mayor He Jihua accompanied the meeting.

他批评他的副手是个急躁的年轻人。He criticized his deputy as a hotheaded youth.

祖马好像在为他的副手担任总统的职务进行铺垫。Zuma appeared to anoint his deputy for the job.

在角逐副领导人时,他居第二位。He come second in the contest for deputy leader.

山西中医学院毕业,副主任医师。Shanxi College graduate, deputy chief physician.

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处长问你,这个协理员还要不要当了?The director asked you, the deputy will not when?

知情者透露,一名副主编也被一起带走。A deputy editor was also taken away, sources said.

副职总是由女子担任。By convention the deputy leader is always a woman.