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这就是。Sean This is Sean.

但这并不意味着马宏升是个坏孩子。Not that Sean was a bad kid.

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西恩还违反了他自己的潜水计划。Sean also violated his own dive plan.

西恩。埃文思还是适应性很强。Sean Evans again has been very adaptable.

“”命名的肖恩芬特雷斯一名男子在该列车。A man named Sean Fentress was on that train.

他们的大大儿子肖恩·普雷斯顿周四满一岁。Elder son Sean Preston turns one on Thursday.

麦克米伦公司出版了奥凯西的一个新剧本。Macmillan put forth a new play of Sean Ocasey.

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肖恩帮助布里奇特埋葬市长在花园里。Seán helped Bridget bury the mayor in the garden.

肖恩•普拉特致力于帮助优秀作家实现安居乐业的生活。Sean Platt helps good writers make a great living.

麦克米伦公司出版了奥凯西的一个新剧本。The Macmillan put forth a new play of Sean Ocasey.

西恩刚开始接触潜水,并没有得到足够的经验。New to diving, Sean just couldn’t get enough of it.

西恩·奥斯汀为了扮演萨姆增肥30磅。Sean Astin gained 30 pounds for his role as Samwise.

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1991年,肖恩加入皇家海军成为一名导弹发射兵。Sean joined the Royal Navy in 1991 as a missile-man.

他们打肖恩最后一次和厌恶的走了。They hit Seán one last time and went away in disgust.

我看上去象帕特里克·斯图尔特,听上去象肖恩·康纳利。I look like Patrick Stewart and sound like Sean Co ery.

大多数人都知道肖恩·康纳利是侦探007,詹姆斯·邦德。Many people know Sean Connery as Agent 007, James Bond.

西恩在缉捕队工作已经9年了。Sean has been a member of the vice squad for nine years.

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尚恩全心投入于拯救台北的流浪狗。Sean has devoted himself to saving stray dogs in Taipei.

但在第二圈,何贤磊又夺回了首位。At the second lap, Sean He regained the leading position.

是跟西恩马克尔逊,我跟他只有一个见面的机会。It is with Sean Macpherson. I only got one shot with him.