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他没驱散射击你就进陷阱了。You eat the trap without him blowing scattershot.

该报告谴责美国对工人的培训毫无针对性。The report condemns America's scattershot approach to training workers.

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动物王国只不过是利用漫无目标的办法改良自己的物种。The animal kingdom merely takes a scattershot approach to improving its species.

驱散射击现在从射击系移动到生存系第3层。Scattershot has been moved from the Marksmanship Tree to Tier 3 of the Survival Tree.

关于这个问题我们有太多的不确定性,因此,我们才发明了那么多漫无目的的方式用来标记成年期。Our uncertainty about this question is reflected in our scattershot approach to markers of adulthood.

对任何既定科学缺乏或是没有全盘观点就会做出如此漫无目的的攻击。Little or no knowledge of a holistic view of any given science is needed to construct such scattershot attacks.

农业科学中单点突破必须让位于多点开花的思路,这通常需要因地制宜。Finding silver bullets in farm science must now give way to scattershot approaches, often tailored to local conditions.

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破碎的太阳吊坠的可能将不再突破人群控制的效果,如随意其引发的效应。Shattered Sun Pendant of Might will no longer break crowd control effects such as Scattershot with its triggered effect.

但是,一味地,漫无目标的深化符号的指涉是不负责任的,是与初衷背道而驰的。However, blindly, the scattershot deepening referential symbols is irresponsible, and is contrary to the original intention.

尽管如此,漫无目的的做法并不会帮助亚马逊成为嫁接数字媒体和商务的主导性平台。That said, a scattershot approach won't help Amazon become the single defining platform that bridges digital media and commerce.

因此,他们的斗争往往是漫无目标,并经常是暴力的,比如攻击派出所和炸巴士等行为。So their struggle was often scattershot and regularly violent, involving attacks on Chinese police stations and bombings of buses and other acts.

大自然之所以如此浪费,是因为对付那些数学家们所说的完全探索的“潜力空间”的最好的办法,就是无目的战略。Nature is so wasteful because scattershot strategies are the best way to do what mathematicians refer to as fully exploring "the potential space."

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与其单个地搜寻顾客或漫无目标地打广告,这种法子将使你一举挺进目标顾客群,从而一鸣惊人。Instead of beating the bushes for customers with individual referrals or scattershot ads, you can tap into a targeted group of consumers en masse to jumpstart sales.