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成功属于不屈不挠的人。Success belongs to the persevering.

我们都很钦佩他们坚持不懈的努力。We all admired on their persevering hard work.

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强调坚持无产阶级立场。Emphasized persevering in the way of proletariat.

上帝的爱充满耐心,持续不断并且坚韧不拔。God's love is patient, persistent, and persevering.

胜利属于那些最坚毅不拔的人。Victory belongs to the most persevering. ----Napolen.

与时俱入是拒腐防变的不懈追求。Keeping pace with the times is the persevering pursuit.

第三,坚持全心全意为人民服务。Third, persevering in serving the people wholeheartedly.

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雅各的得胜是因为他有恒心和决心。Jacob prevailed because he was persevering and determined.

继续寻找,你终将获得你想要的工作!Keep on persevering and you will get that dream job you want!

文中描述了一种保凸参数拟合方法。This paper given describes a convex persevering fitting method.

对于属天的事情,我们为甚么不能这样坚忍呢?Shall we not be as persevering and hopeful as to heavenly things?

精制良品为万民是公司孜孜不倦的追求。Refine fine goods for people is the company' s persevering pursue.

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“一流的品质,一流的服务”是齐天人坚持的宗旨。The best quality, The best service, is the tenet persevering by Qtopeses.

爱别人,意谓着会流泪、心碎,以及恒切祷告、多多祷告。Loving others may mean tears and heartache, and much persevering in prayer.

其实我也很可怜,我是一个不快乐的极端快乐主义,因为我的固执。I'm actually pathetic, as I'm an unhappy hedonist because of my persevering.

巴基斯坦人民善良淳朴、勤劳勇敢,有着坚忍不拔、自强不息的精神。The Pakistani people are kind-hearted, hard-working, persevering and resilient.

第三、坚持通过自身不懈努力实现发展。Third, it is essential to attain development through one's own persevering efforts.

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狮子座也很保守,这大大提高了二者的共同满意度。Leo is also persevering person, so the chances for mutual satisfaction are really big.

我看到今日年轻的毕业生很辛苦地找工作,坚定的对抗所有的困难。I see young graduates struggling to find work today and persevering against all the odds.

林州人民战天斗地不屈不挠的精神吸引了无数师生驻足观看。The persevering spirit of people in Lin Zhou attracted the eyes of students and teachers.