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而小左有。Lefty has it.

你是左撇子吗?Are you lefty?

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小左只是碰巧持有这灵魂。Lefty happens to have it.

耶稣基督是左派吗?Was Jesus Christ a lefty?

你是左撇子还是用右手?。Are you a lefty or a righty?

小左和小右分别醒来。Lefty and Righty both wake up.

小左会说,拜托。Lefty will say,Give me a break.

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左撇子科学家其实并不少见。Lefty scientists are hardly unusual.

小左去了加利福尼亚,小右去了佛蒙特。Lefty goes to California.Righty moves to Vermont.

所以当然小左才是。Shelly Kagan Then of course it's Lefty that is Shelly Kagan.

结案了——左翼的全球变暖危言耸听者是一群傻子!Case closed -- Lefty global warming alarmists are nincompoops!

我们可以说小左是。Shelly Kagan We could say Lefty is Shelly Kagan and Righty is not.

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右脚喜欢穿花哨的鞋子,而左脚只喜欢穿雨天的胶鞋。Righty dreams of wearing fancy footwear, but Lefty swears by galoshes.

现在我们需要看看我们人类自己是否用右手做手势的时候多于用左手的时候。Now, we should see for ourselves if we gesticulate more righty than lefty.

小左和小右,都拥有Shelly,Kagan的一部分灵魂。Each one of Lefty and Righty has one of the pieces of the split Shelly Kagan soul.

在本案例中,小左和小右都有足够的大脑。And in this case,both of Lefty and Righty seem to have enough of Shelly Kagan's brain.

“左撇子”是指一个人用左手来写字、吃饭或做其他事情。The word"lefty" means a person who uses his or her left hand for writing, eating and other jobs.

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这个意思是,我的大脑被一分为二后,灵魂将只能进入小左或小右其中一个。It means,when my brain gets split, my soul is going to end up in Lefty or in Righty,but not in both.

我们形而上学地假设上帝告诉我们,是小左获得了Shelly,Kagan的灵魂。So let's just suppose that metaphysically God tells us that it's Lefty that has Shelly Kagan's soul.

值得注意的是齐泽克支持乔治·索罗斯,他将这位左翼的亿万富翁金融家比作巧克力腹泻药。Noting that he supports George Soros, he compared the lefty billionaire financier to a chocolate laxative.