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肯定是变速杆有问题。It must be the gearshift lever.

然其变速问题尚待解决。But the gearshift problem has not been solved.

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分析了换挡过程的控制策略对换挡品质的影响。The key to the gearshift of AMT is shift quality.

“我马上做个前轮子离地,”‘换档’宣布道。"I'm going to do a wheelie, " Gearshift announced.

我的变速车比他的整整贵三百元呐!My gearshift bicycle is 300 yuan more expensive than his!

“嗨,”‘换档’回道,他点着头朝向穿着宽大运动衫的男孩走去。"Huh, " Gearshift replied. He nodded toward the boy in the huge jersey.

Gonzales紧紧地握着变速杆,脚固定在油门上。Gonzales held tightly to the gearshift and kept his foot steady on the throttle.

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所有变速配件均可依顾客需求配置,如无特别要求,将统一配置。Gearshift accessories can be customized, it will be unified if no direction specify.

换档控制是汽车自动变速技术中的重要部分。Shift control is an important component of the automatic gearshift technique on vehicle.

“我的名字叫里基,”他喷出一句话,“但是我打架的名字叫‘换档’,那是因为我有换档的车。”"My name's Ricky, " he spat, "but my fighting name's Gearshift because I have a gearshift. "

为合理设计弹性滑键齿轮变速换档机构提供了理论依据。Based on this theory, elastic sliding key gearshift mechanism of machine tools can be designed.

加装液力偶合器改造后,灰浆泵运行电流进一步降低。After gearshift adjustment device is fixed on the electrical current of pump motor is lower more.

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其他好详述包括镀铬内在门拉手和silver-finish变速的旋钮。Other fine detailing includes chrome plated inner door handles and a silver-finish gearshift knob.

露西让马达转了一会,挂上前进挡,吉普猛地从库房冲了出来。Lucy raced the engine and threw the gearshift into forward. The jeep seemed to leap out of the barn.

下次当变速点逼近,适当的齿轮离合器预选但它一直也漠不关心。When the next gearshift point is approached, the appropriate gear is pre-selected but its clutch kept disengaged.

这是个很大的挑战,因为变速解决方案需要更简单慎密的驱动和节制电路。This is a very big challenge, because gearshift solution needs the drive of more complex nicety and control circuit.

有关润滑剂的特性必须通过对变速器的实际试验来确定。The relevant lubricant characteristics must be determined by practical tests on transmissions and gearshift elements.

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变速离合器的进程打开和关闭的激活其他离合器齿轮同时用一定的重叠。The gearshift process opens the clutch of the activated gear and closes the other clutch at the same time with a certain overlap.

本文所述是可变速齿形带传动的研究设计成果,应用于微型汽车。What the article introduces is the result of the study and design of gearshift gear-belt transmission and it is used in mini-cars.

另一个例子是优雅设计与变速器小组百叶窗空气通风口,而当形成一个封闭的表面光滑、视觉干净。Another example of this is the elegantly designed gearshift panel with louvered air vents, which when closed form a smooth and visually clean surface.