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即使是那些青春少女?Even teenage girls?

这是一本书,为青少年组。It is a book for the teenage group.

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摇摆乐是青少年的反叛音乐。Rock is the music of teenage rebellion.

十几岁的男孩喜欢成群结伙地四处闲逛。Teenage boys tend to go about in groups.

十几岁的心情,犹如泡沫般模糊不清。Teenage mood, like the bubble-like blurred.

一个十几岁的小男孩骑着自行车快速地经过了他们。A teenage boy rides quickly by them on his bike.

“草鸡博弈”是供鲁莽的青少年玩的游戏。Chicken is the game played by teenage daredevils.

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而且,特别是对年轻女孩,很开眼界。And, especially for teenage girls, very eye-opening.

除了我四个年少的孩子,我失去了一切。I’d lost everything except my four teenage children.

追星族的少女一般都喜欢时装表演。Star-chasing teenage girls usually like fashion shows.

她的父母是一个士兵和一个未婚少女的母亲。Her parents were a soldier and an unwed teenage mother.

我不需要一个成熟的女王,我只需要我的六翼天使!I don't need no teenage queen, I just want my seraphim!

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到了少年时期,幸福观发生了变化。In the teenage years, the concept of happiness changes.

忍者神龟2。破影而出国语版。Teenage. Mutant. Ninja. Turtles. Out. of. the. Shadows.

女性激素对少女产生了不同的作用。Female hormones have a different effect on teenage girls.

艾列克简直就是21世纪詹姆士邦德的少年版。Alex amounts to a teenage James Bond for the 21st century.

青少年假性近视跟玩电脑有关吗?Does teenage pseudomyopia follow play computer to concern?

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他在青年的时候就开了这家面条店。He started his noodles-in -soup booth when he was teenage.

一个十几岁的女孩身上能发生最坏的事情是什么呢?What's the worst thing that can happen for a teenage girl?

孩子们沿着杆子爬到深30到50米的矿井里。Teenage boys clamber down mine shafts 30 to 50 meters deep.