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该保鲜储藏格可以使水汽保留在里面。The crisper keeps water vapor in.

随着那记忆里的片段,吹着轻盈明快的节拍。With that memory segment, yelling lithe crisper rhythms.

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其精致的底盘和悬挂系统提供清晰处理。Its refined chassis and suspension help provide crisper handling.

蔬菜在有单独的湿度控制的保险抽屉中保存得最好。Vegetables keep best in crisper drawers with separate humidity controls.

苹果和莓果需要一直保存在冰箱内,已保持最大的清脆度。Vegetables should be stored in the vegetable crisper in the refrigerator.

把葱放入塑料袋,在冷藏室干燥屉内放5天。Put green onion in a plastic bag. Keep in the fridge crisper drawer for 5 days.

当然了,你也可以在金属盘上烤,但是在石头上烤可以得到酥脆的效果。Of course you can bake on a metal sheet, but a stone will give a crisper result.

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请注意你也许会觉得冬季的声音像放在保鲜盒中。Pay attention, and you might notice that everything sounds a little bit crisper.

买完菜放到冰箱的最内层,或是放在菜柜里并忘记它。Buy food, throw it in the back of the fridge or in the vegetable crisper and forget about it.

我恍然大悟,人不仅要活下去,还好活得更爽些。I am suddenly enlighted, the human not only wants to go on living, but also good work crisper.

而茄子和辣椒应该敞开存放在新鲜蔬菜保存盒中,因为当它们存放在塑料袋里时会冒汗。However, eggplant and capsicums should be stored open in the crisper as they sweat if stored in plastic bags.

存放在冰箱蔬菜保存盒的蔬菜若装在塑料袋里,能防止湿气和营养价值的损失。Store vegetables in the refrigerator crisper in plastic bags to prevent loss of moisture and nutritional values.

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也许你的思维在早上比较活跃,那么你可以先从报告开始因为这最花精力。Maybe your thoughts are crisper in the morning, so you work on your reports first because it requires the most thinking.

在高分辨率的显示器上,包含这些图片资源会使应用界面更加清晰锐利。Including such image resources makes your app's graphics look even sharper and crisper on those higher-resolution screens.

新的'尤特将关闭目前索兰托的强硬外观,但会增加明快的整体线条和更现代的外观。The new ' ute will build off the current Sorento's tough looking exterior, but will add crisper lines and an overall more modern look.

谦卑的黄瓜啊——当比它新鲜的堂兄弟们被挖出并作为晚餐被吞吃时,它正耐心地坐在果菜箱里。Ah the humble cucumber–it sits patiently in the crisper drawer while its flashier cousins are being scooped up and devoured for dinner.

谦卑的黄瓜啊——当比它新鲜的堂兄弟们被挖出并作为晚餐被吞吃时,它正耐心地坐在果菜箱里。Ah the humble cucumber –it sits patiently in the crisper drawer while its flashier cousins are being scooped up and devoured for dinner.

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色泽和松脆度是由格子烤盘的温度决定,温度越高,华夫饼的色泽和酥脆度更好。Waffle color and crispiness is determined by the heat of the temperature grids so the higher the temperature, the browner and crisper the waffle.

麦当劳的薯条比一般的更脆也更薄,说明他们表面过油的时间也更长,杀灭了细菌原体也降低了水分含量。They're crisper and thinner than regular fries, which means that they're exposed to greater heat per surface area, killing pathogens and reducing water content.

该ls633相机的一个重大里程碑,在研制和生产OLED显示器呈现更生动的图象和更明快的影片,以消费性电子。The LS633 camera represented a major milestone in the development and manufacture of OLED displays exhibiting more vivid images and crisper video to consumer electronics.