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他与一个漂亮的红发女郎结婚了。He married a beautiful redhead.

那个红发女郎像汤姆的前妻一样招人。That redhead is as hot as Tom's ex-wife.

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一个金发女郎,一个棕发女郎和一个红发女郎被困在沙漠里。A blonde, brunette and redhead are in a desert.

“我只记得自己来得比较早,”红发美眉说。“All I know is I showed up early,” the redhead said.

露西是一名红发女郎,有漂亮的褐色皮肤。Lucy was the sort of redhead who bronzes beautifully.

他是个大黑块头,而我是个红头发的小矮胖子。He was a massive black giant and I was a pudgy little redhead.

现在的那个全国广告代言人个头不高,红头发,脸上有雀斑。The current national poster child is a tiny, freckle-faced redhead.

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现在的那个全国广告代言人个头不高,红头发,脸上有雀斑。The current national poster child is a tiny , freckle-faced redhead.

几千年前的欧洲,红头发的人因为基因变异的关系凭空出现。The redhead sprang from a mutated gene in Europe thousands of years ago.

红发女郎说,“幸好我带了些防晒油,起码我们不会被晒伤。”The redhead says, "I brought some suntan lotion so we don't get sunburned."

褐发女、红发女、金发女从屋顶爬出了烧着的大楼。A Brunette, a Redhead and a Blonde escape a burning building by climbing to the roof.

妮可·基曼,这位身材高挑的澳洲裔红发美女,三岁时就开始学习芭蕾舞。By the time tall Australian redhead Nicole Kidman was three years old, she had already taken up ballet.

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在某些社会,“红头发”这个词和“冷静实际”是同义词。In some societies, the term "redhead" is synonymous with hard-headedness, even being mentally challenged.

一个金发女郎,一个黑发女郎和一个红发女郎触犯了法律。在逃亡的路上,他们躲进了一处仓库。A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead are on the run from the law when they find an old barn to hide out in.

一个金发女郎和一个红发女郎下班后来到一个小酒吧喝一杯,她们坐上吧椅,边喝边看着6点钟的新闻。A blonde and a redhead went to the bar after work for a drink, and sat on stools watching the 6 O'clock news.

美容学学习如何正确使用护发素,如何把黄发变成红发等。You'll learn how the right conditioner can tame the wildest of manes, how to transform a blonde into a redhead.

我打开门,站在那里的是个红头发年轻女孩,身子装在宽松的长裤里,就好像两大勺香草味冰淇淋。I opened it, and standing there was a young redhead who was packed into her slacks like two big scoops of vanilla ice cream.

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根据史料,多数描写的罗马妇女是比较正规的,做好了发型,所以左边那个红头发的妇女看起来非常特别。Most depictions of Roman women are more formal, with hair done and up, so the redhead on the left looks particularly unusual.

从积极的一方面来看,红头发的人们还有一个世纪的时间在世界上盖下自己的印记,成为一个流芳百世的传奇。On the bright side, the redhead has almost a century left to make its mark in the world and become a legend that will live forever.

于是…。有一个红头发女人满脸怀疑的走到那个女厕所,照着镜子说,“我认为我是世上最美的女人了。”Sooooo, a redhead of questionable looks walks into the ladies room, stands before the mirror and says, "I think I'm the most beautiful woman in the world."