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现在,考验又缠上了孩子们。Now the kids were stuck in an ordeal.

他们振奋精神迎接考验。They manned themselves for an ordeal.

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人质们遭受了极其可怕的折磨。The hostages suffered a terrifying ordeal.

在这个严酷的考验中,恒一直僵硬地躺着,默不作声。Through this ordeal Heng lay stiff and silent.

罗斯一家人可怕的煎熬终于在上午9点钟结束了。The Rosses' dreadful ordeal finally ended at 9 am.

这个失败的试验居然耗掉我3个小时!This unsuccessful ordeal had taken almost 3 hours!

试看他们如何井下生存。How did they survive the ordeal? Have a close look?

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尽管困难重重,但她的苦难经历珍山。Against all odds, Jennifer Hills survived her ordeal.

沙克尔顿的28位成员经过痛苦的折磨而幸免于难。All of Shackletons 28 crew members survived the ordeal.

克莱在巴西贫病交加,也历尽磨难。Klein in Brazil sick Cross also experienced the ordeal.

因为长牙不应该是折磨宝宝的酷刑。Teething shouldn't be an excruciating ordeal for a baby.

在中世纪的英格兰,神判法⑦屡见不鲜。Trial by ordeal was common in England in the middle ages.

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他们那痛苦的地下生活持续了超过两个月。Their subterranean ordeal lasted for more than two months.

个个人质都经历了可怕的折磨。She talked composedly to reporters about her terrible ordeal.

尽情欢乐吧,因为明天早上你们将面对重大的考验。Enjoy yourselves, because tomorrow morning comes the big ordeal.

她喝了几口水,使自己镇定,准备应付一场可怕的。She drank some water nerving herself for a more terrible ordeal.

不过让我高兴的是,我的家庭和国家经受的磨难终于结束了。I was just glad the ordeal was over for my family and my country.

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巴尔于3月1日黯然辞职,他拒绝就这一痛苦经历公开发言。Barr resigned on Mar. 1 and declines to speak publicly about the ordeal.

在沙拉克中的煎熬使费特的盔甲和身躯都饱受摧残。Fett's armor and body were extremely battered by his ordeal in the Sarlacc.

这种严峻的考验最终减轻了我因为时不时离开儿子而产生的负疚感。In the end, this ordeal eased my guilt about leaving my son's side at times.