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嗨,铁,你看起来那么沮丧,发生了什么事?Hei, Tim, you oo so depressing, what happened?

仅仅因为基于类的OO占据着主导地位我就要使用它么?Should I use class based OO just because it's the dominant paradigm?

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OO是被大多数开发者所熟悉的行之有效的范式。OO is a well-established paradigm familiar to the majority of developers.

其他部长甚至评论说丁昂敏吴篡夺了吴的权力。Other ministers even remarked that Tin Aung Myint Oo had usurped Thein Sein’s power.

此外,尽管许多调整,面向对象的版本运行速度比其NOO。Furthermore, despite much tuning, the OO version ran slower than its NOO counterpart.

应用框架可以增强大型应用软件代码的重用性和可扩充性。The benefits of OO application frameworks stem from the reusability and extensibility.

然而,妙吞乌是否能取代耶敏或者他们是否会成为同事一起工作都还很难说。It is unclear, however, whether Tun Oo would replace Ye Myint or they would work together.

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这将可以利用无次序的特性去完成,哪一个都将被认为是在OO中。This can be done using the 'override'-feature, which in OO is also known as specialization.

从代码和语言“特征”的角度谈论OO纯度是绝对错误的。Code and language "features" is the absolutely wrong place to debate the value of OO purity.

正如我们要在即将出现的专栏中所见,OO过程实际上是一种语意分析形式。As we'll see in upcoming columns, the process of OO design is really a form of semantic analysis.

Indigo编程模型的基础之一是使用OO实现SOA编程的所有方面。A foundation of Indigo's programming model is OO implementation of all aspects of SOA programming.

这一判决维持了下级法院禁止温丁和丁乌为昂山素姬作证。The decision upheld a ruling by a lower court banning Win Tin and Tin Oo from testifying on her behalf.

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丁吴将军和钦纽将军径直上楼去晋见丹瑞将军和孟诶副将。Gen. Khin Nyunt and Gen. Tin Oo went straight upstairs to see Snr-Gen Than Shwe and Vice Snr-Gen Maung Aye.

一个横切关注点,在用传统OO方法实现时,会分解成很多类和方法。A crosscutting concern, when implemented in a traditional OO approach, cuts across many classes and methods.

从功能上来说这没有什么明显的问题,只要你想,你总可以根据规约实现基于类的OO。And there is no obvious problem in power, since you can always do class-based OO by convention, if you want.

对象识别是OO软件开发的关键,也是OOA的主要活动之一。Object Identification is the foundation of OO Software development and is one of the main activities of OOA.

例如,当我们使用AOP重新实现设计模式时,它们要比标准的面向对象模式好一些吗?For example, when we re-implement design patterns using AOP, are they any better than the standard OO patterns?

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本文基于面向对象技术建立了某型双轴涡扇航空发动机的部件级气动热力模型。A component level aerothermodymamic model of a turbofan aeroengine is created in this thesis using OO technology.

实践证明,应用此项技术而开发的海洋工程实时采集程序是稳定、可靠、方便和实用的。The project of RTCS in OE with OO technique was given, which is proved stable, reliable, convenient and available.

而在新疆百城县干了十六年的龙怀文,自二OO四年起就已经不下井了。While in xinjiang hundred cities 10 county dry 16 years of LongHuaiWen, since two OO four years since has not well.