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高迪生前死后都是加泰隆尼亚和巴塞罗那人民所热爱和引以为豪的建筑师。Gaudi is an architect who be loved and pride by people of Catalonia and Barcelona whenever living or death.

每年有一百头公牛投入到巴塞罗那斗牛场,并在缓慢的,痛苦的,恐惧中死去。One hundred bulls are slaughtered in the ring in Catalonia each year, dying a slow, painful and terrifying death.

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加泰隆尼亚议会即将投票决定是否该区域要成为西班牙第一个禁止斗牛的区域。The parliament of Catalonia is due to vote on whether it will become the first region of Spain to ban bullfighting.

它们包括布拉瓦海岸,以期在该国北部东部地区位于加泰罗尼亚地区的别墅。They include Costa Brava villas which are located in the north eastern area of the country in the Catalonia region.

激进份子表示斗牛是非常残忍而且不恰当的习俗,今日在加泰隆尼亚欣赏斗牛的人多半是观光客。The activists argue that bullfighting is cruel and unacceptable, and that these days most spectators in Catalonia are tourists.

具有讽刺意味的是,巴塞罗那争取加泰罗尼亚独立的和平运动愈演愈烈——这对马德里来说绝对是一个恶梦。Ironically, Barcelona's peaceful campaign for an independent Catalonia has never been stronger -- and it's a nightmare for Madrid.

巴萨在2004年从西班牙劲敌维拉利尔手中将他挖来,并切且在加泰罗尼亚与他签定了一份为期4年的合约。Barcelona netted Belletti from Spanish rivals Villarreal in 2004 when he jumped at their offer of a four-year contract in Catalonia.

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“叠加人塔”是加泰罗尼亚地区传统节目,一般叠加一个人塔需100到200个人。The formation of human towers is a tradition in the area of Catalonia and between 100 and 200 people are needed to complete a tower.

佛朗哥死后,西班牙各行省得到了一定程度的自治权,时至今日,很少有人相信加泰罗尼亚会真的脱离联邦。After Franco's death, Spain's provinces regained a degree of self-rule and few today will suggest that Catalonia will move toward secession.

在这段视频中,一名女子在其为本月社会党在加泰罗尼亚的地区选举投票时显得格外兴奋。In the video the young woman gets increasingly excited as she votes for the Socialist Party in this month's regional elections in Catalonia.

在巴萨度过不开心的岁月后,他终于在2001年1月实现了梦想。时任利物浦主帅霍利尔免费将他签下。An unhappy spell in Catalonia followed though and in January 2001 he realised a dream when he signed for Gerard Houllier's team on a free transfer.

西班牙的保守派不妨再次考虑他们对加泰罗尼亚和巴斯克国家地位的象征性变化的拒绝。Spanish conservatives might do well to reconsider their refusal to consider symbolic changes in national status for Catalonia and the Basque country.

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传统的“叠人塔”活动18世纪末期源自西班牙加泰罗尼亚南部塔拉戈纳市附近的巴利斯。The tradition of building human towers originated in Valls, near the city of Tarragona, in the southern part of Catalonia at the end of the 18th century.

罗纳尔迪尼奥在结束了美国和墨西哥的季前巡回赛之后刚刚回到加泰罗尼亚,他目前和球队的合同到2010年到期。Ronaldinho, who has just returned to Catalonia after the pre-season tour of Mexico and the United States, is currently tied to the Liga outfit until 2010.

加泰罗尼亚于中世纪逐渐形成,之前,曾是腓尼基人、希腊人的殖民地,又曾被罗马人、西哥特人和阿拉伯人侵略。Catalonia gradually took shape in the Middle Age Before, Catalonia had been colonized by Phoenicians and Greeks and then invaded by Romans, Visigoths and Arabs.

巴塞罗那的主斗牛场是西班牙最古老的斗牛场之一,但是因为斗牛的支持日益减弱,巴塞罗那斗牛场也是加泰罗尼亚省唯一一个还在运行的。Barcelona's main bullring is one of the oldest in Spain, but support for the bullfight has waned. The Barcelona bullring is the only functioning one in Catalonia.

尽管从西班牙的加泰罗尼亚到阿根廷的潘帕斯,西班牙式英语能在西班牙语世界的其他许多地方听到,其蓬勃发展却是在美国。Whereas Spanglish is also heard in various parts of the Hispanic world, from Catalonia in Spain to the Pampas in Argentina, it is in the United States where it thrived.

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这所房子位于西班牙东北部的加泰罗尼亚区的位于海岸边的Roses镇。验尸官估计这个女尸是在2001年死亡的,因为同一时间她开始停止偿付这所房子的贷款。Coroners estimate the woman's remains had been there since 2001, when she stopped making payments on the house in the coastal town of Roses in the northeast Catalonia region.

要是没有那张小小的欧盟标志牌,一间荒凉废弃的带有风俗特色的房子,我们根本就不知道已经离开了西班牙,唯一的办法是通过西班牙手机提示我们已经离开加泰罗尼亚。If it weren't for the little E. U. sign and a forlorn, abandoned customs house, the only way to know we were no longer in Catalonia was the warning from my Spanish cell phone.

来自加泰罗尼亚山区的花商们出售自己培育出来的鲜花,将这里汇聚成为一条花香浮动的河流。The florists coming from Catalonia are selling the self-bred flowers which converge to make a fragrant river. Though being the most prosperous commercial street in Barcelona, St.