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医生向我收了诊疗费。The doctor answerable me a fee.

这好像是一个可以回答的问题,是这样吗?It seems like an answerable question, right?

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单独面对着银屏,我就谁的话也不用听了。Alone with the small screen, I am answerable to no one.

"我向全美国人民负责,"伯南克称."I'm answerable to the American people," Bernanke said.

我要向公司承担使用这套设备的责任。E. g, I'm answerable to the company for the use of the equipment.

男人知道他们任何不慈爱的行为都将被神所审判。Men knew that they were answerable to God who would judge them for any act of unkindness.

所有议会卫兵的总领导人被称为卫队长,他向一个议会委员会负责。The leader of all Senate Guards is called the Captain of the Guard, who is answerable to a Senate committee.

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冲锋队是银河帝国的精锐突击部队,只效忠于皇帝帕尔帕廷,并受其直接指挥。Stormtroopers were the elite shock troops of the Galactic Empire, loyal and answerable directly to Emperor Palpatine.

造成二者悲剧性命运的原因有社会历史、文化和女性自身等多种因素。Apart from females themselves, many factors-social, historical, cultural -can all be held answerable to their tragedies.

这场运动是就像是一次大论坛,使得政府“更准确直接的担负起满足民众需求的责任,”他写道。The movement is a forum to make government “more directly and precisely answerable to the needs of the people,” he says.

这场运动是就像是一次大论坛,使得政府“更准确直接的担负起满足民众需求的责任,”他写道。The movement is a forum to make government “more directly and precisely answerable to the needs of the people, ” he says.

训练有素的多明我会修道士衔教皇之命主持着宗教裁判所,他们组织的审判代表着当时欧洲最好的法律实践。Highly trained Dominicans answerable to the Pope took over the institution, creating courts that represented the best legal practices in Europe.

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他非常善于把困难问题分解成小的可以解决的小部分——这种能力我们在日常生活中都可以使用。Yet when the problem is broken into sub-problems, each answerable without the help of experts or books, you can come close to the exact solution.

如果美联储多向民选官员负责,而少向华尔街的银行家们负责,那将肯定是积极的一步。Certainly it would be a positive step if the Fed were more answerable to democratically-elected officials and less accountable to Wall Street bankers.

如果美联储多向民选官员负责,而少向华尔街的银行家们负责,那将肯定是积极的一步。Certainly it would be a positive step if the Fed were more answerable to democratically -elected officials and less accountable to Wall Street bankers.

一旦我们在概念的层面定义了目标,之后我们将展示必须是可以回答的具有操作性的问题,以确定进展或者目标的实现。Once we've defined goals at a conceptual level, we then examine the operational questions that must be answerable in order to determine progress towards or achievement of goals.

年轻的国会议员对小泽感到非常不满,民主党的干事长鸠山由纪夫表示,以后将由他代替小泽负责召开党内的干部会议。Younger parliamentarians have become so dissatisfied with Mr Ozawa that Yukio Hatoyama, the DPJ's secretary-general, now says that he, and not Mr Ozawa, is answerable to the party caucus.

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他认为国王应该对国家负责,并且有钱的人应该在本王国的政府中有发言权而不仅仅是服从于国王的权威。He believed that the king should be answerable to the country, and that men of property should be allowed a voice in the government of the realm rather than bow to the authority of a monarch.

然而,花旗或美林等其它集团似乎发展了一种等级更为分明的制度,不同业务分支仿佛像是正在交战的部落,只服从最高首领一个人。However, groups such as Citi or Merrill appear to have developed a more hierarchical pattern, in which the different business lines have existed like warring tribes, answerable only to the chief.