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那幢楼在整修之前倾斜得很厉害。The building leaned sharply before renovation.

各式大小型房屋装修与设计。We specialize in all types of house renovation & design.

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经过三个月的装修,这家餐厅重张开业。The restaurant reopened after three months of renovation.

如今,这项陶瓷品市场改造计划正在进行中。Now, a renovation planning of the ceramics street is going.

在那段时间,沃尔玛的革新开始了。Around that time, Wal-Mart's renovation started to backfire.

在1996年,蒙迪欧进行了较大规模的翻新改进。In 1996, the Mondeo had a large-scale renovation to improve.

据社署所知,另有一间新院舍正进行装修工程。As known to SWD, there is another new RCHD undergoing renovation.

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雨燕翻新幕,风鹃绕旧枝。Swift renovation screen, the wind around the old sticks of cuckoo.

这座28层楼的建筑,在着火时正在修理。The 28-story building was under renovation when it went up in flames

我有我自己的生意,并且业余时间在大学学习。I have my renovation business, and I study part time at the Colledge.

村庄整治是社会主义新农村建设的核心内容。Village renovation is the core in building new socialist countrysides.

家装理财第五步不盲目攀比装修档次。Home improvement budget for the fiscal first step after the renovation.

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这就是莫斯科成长、发展、改造的真实写照。A true sign of Moscow's growth, development and renovation at it's best.

第103路无轨电车因长安街的整修而改道行驶。No.103 trolleybus was rerouted due to the renovation of Chang'an Street.

一位建筑师绘制的剧院修复后的效果图。An architect's rendering of the renovation to the outside of the theater.

只有遭到野蛮装修之后才后悔当初怎么就没有多留个心眼。Only after renovation by the barbaric regret was not how to stay in mind.

这对室外木器的涂装和翻新工程格外重要。This outdoor wood painting and renovation work is particularly important.

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将传统平面流程改为立体流程是塔式制麦的划时代革新。It is the times renovation from planar to cubic procedure flow in malting.

缅甸造纸厂改造项目是以工程承包方式执行的对外项目。The project of Renovation of Myanma Paper is an overseas' turn-key project.

横跨天津海河的解放桥原名万国桥,落成于1927年。Built in 1927, the Tianjin Jiefang Bridge went through a renovation project.