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我的头巾掉下来了,所以我又把它拉上去。My headscarf had fallen down, so I pulled it up.

1999年一位国会议员因戴头巾进入国会而被赶了出去。In 1999 an MP who came to parliament in a headscarf was booed out.

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那希贾布或头巾是屈服的标志还是反抗的表示?Is the hijab or the headscarf a symbol of submission or resistance?

她为了长裙和头巾已经放弃了牛仔和T恤衫。She had abandoned her jeans and T-shirts for long skirts and a headscarf.

她抛弃了自己的牛仔、T恤衫,改穿长衬衫、戴头巾。She had abandoned her jeans and T-shirts for long skirts and a headscarf.

那些和结束对头巾限制的战斗的妇女是其中最喜欢畅所欲言的。Those battling to end restrictions on the headscarf are among the most vocal.

大约两年的精神探索之后我也决定了戴起盖头。I decided to start wearing the headscarf after about two years of soul searching.

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拉娜加快了她的脚步,同时裹紧了脸上用来遮挡炎热日头的头巾。Rana hurried her step, pulling her headscarf to shield her face from the relentless sun.

比如为伊斯兰世界制造生产的芙拉娃娃,就是一个带着头纱很受欢迎的高挑模特。Fulla, for example, is a popular slimline mannequin with a headscarf manufactured for the Muslim world.

波赫勒说,要求禁止她参政是因为她认为教师和法官应该可以佩戴头巾。She says she is facing a ban because she believes teachers and judges should be able to wear a headscarf.

据悉她说自1960年国家电视台成立以来首位佩戴头巾的女主播。She's believed to be the first woman presenter to wear the headscarf on state television since it was founded in 1960.

土耳其语国会的二个宴会拟订平面图准许大学的回教-风格头巾的穿用者。Two parties in the Turkish parliament drew up plans to permit the wearing of the Islamic-style headscarf in universities.

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自从2004年,法国禁止穆斯林盖头出现在学校及其它公共场合以来,盖头成为焦点。Hijab has been thrust into the limelight since the 2004 French ban on the Muslim headscarf at public schools and institutions.

许多戴头巾的信女更喜欢称之为“端庄的服饰”,因为它更好地体现了操守的精髓。Many believers who wear a headscarf prefer to use the term "modest dress" since it captures the essence of the practice better.

星期四晚上,国际柔道联合会主席马吕斯·维泽尔称莎赫卡尼不能配戴头巾参赛。On Thursday night the International Judo Federation president Marius Vizer said Wujdan Shahrkhani could not fight with a headscarf.

“当我看到子弹时,我吓呆了,”Lina说道,Lina是个11岁的小女孩儿,眼睛大大的,带着一条绣着花的白色围巾。"I get scared when I hear bullets," says Lina, an 11-year-old girl with big eyes and a white headscarf with flowers embroidered on it.

“当我看到子弹时,我吓呆了,”Lina说道,Lina是个11岁的小女孩儿,眼睛大大的,带着一条绣着花的白色围巾。"I get scared when I hear bullets, " says Lina, an 11-year-old girl with big eyes and a white headscarf with flowers embroidered on it.

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在试衣室短暂的帮忙其间,一个20来岁的带着方头围的迷人的女士拿着两副太阳镜向我走来。During a stint helping in the fitting rooms, a glamorous twentysomething woman in a headscarf approaches holding two pairs of sunglasses.

男子穿的衬衫和裤子配有带子,女子穿长衬衫、"paniova"裙子和头巾。Males wore a shirt and trousers adorned with a belt and females wore a longer shirt, a wrap-around skirt called a "paniova", and a headscarf.

当人们看到戴头巾的穆斯林女性,通常他们只会注意到不同于西方时尚服饰的盖头。When people look at Muslim women who wear a headscarf , usually they only notice the headscarf as being different than Western-style clothing.