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人们把它叫做旗袍。People call it a cheongsam.

玛莎拿出一件中国旗袍展示给我们看。Martha held out a cheongsam for us to look.

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却看到地下室里,一长溜排着的旗袍。But in the basement, a long row of cheongsam.

姐姐的绸缎旗袍在灯光下显得鲜妍夺目。My sister's silk cheongsam is shining in the light.

在中国,很多女性都喜欢穿旗袍。In China, many females are fond of wearing a cheongsam.

我想要给自己买一件旗袍。面料是什么样的呢?I want to buy a Cheongsam for myself. What's the fabric?

王师傅,您看我的身材适不适合穿旗袍?Mr. Wang, do you think my figure is suitable for a cheongsam?

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妈妈有一件淡蓝色的绢绸旗袍,特别漂亮!Mother has a light blue silk cheongsam , it is very beautiful.

这件旗袍很漂亮,但是颜色太鲜艳了。This cheongsam is beautiful but the color seems a bit too flashy.

就像在中国过大年,王女士一身红色的旗袍,十分喜气。Like in China, Guo Danian, Dr. Wong has a red cheongsam , very happy.

汉服、旗袍秀、龙形风筝表演。Han Dynasty Clothing, a Cheongsam Show, Dragon Shaped Kite Performance.

为了这次演出,她特意定做了一身可体的旗袍。She made a cheongsam especially for this performance that fits her very well.

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我想把主要影响与今天穿的旗袍相提并论.I want to express the major effect together with the cheongsam I wear today.

该套茶具用青花工艺打造了逼真旗袍效果,展现旗袍素净雅致的形象。This tea set up process with blue dress, lifelike cheongsam effect of refined.

解放路上也有几家比较大的旗袍店,应该有你要的唐装。Jiefang There are a few larger stores cheongsam , you should have the Tang suit.

旗袍起源于十六世纪中期满族妇女的民族服装。Cheongsam originated in Manchu women's ethical costume in the mid-sixteenth century.

中国建筑中的图案,最常出现在改良式旗袍的设计中。Patterns from Chinese architecture often appear on designs for the improved cheongsam.

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沪剧“西装旗袍戏”就是在这个阶段获得迅速发展,并占据了沪剧舞台的主流。The suit and cheongsam opera of Huju rise up in this time, and occupy the mainstream of Huju's stage.

通过这些盘扣装点而成的旗袍更呈现出栩栩如生、锦上添花的感觉,给人一种艺术的享受。Through these buttons made the cheongsam even more vivid and more perfect with a sense of artistic pleasure.

她应该穿旗袍的优雅和现代的高跟鞋一双,但是她的手臂和精致的小袋子。She should be wearing elegant cheongsam and a pair of modern high-heels, with a small and exquisite bag in her arms.