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克罗地亚5-0厄瓜多尔。Croatia 5-0

森林步道,十六,克罗地亚。Forest Trail, Plitvice, Croatia.

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克罗地亚的菲利普-乌德赢得银牌。Filip Ude of Croatia won the silver.

克罗地亚名列榜首,但是它其实能做得更好。Croatia comes top—but it could do better.

这个单位在克罗地亚参与反党羽操作。This unit took part in anti-partisan operations in Croatia.

别生气,先生。您可以跟您在克罗埃西亚的银行联络一下。Don't be upset, sir. You can access your bank account in Croatia.

上星期在毗邻克罗埃西亚的地区发现一只野天鹅死亡。A wild swan was found dead last week near the border with Croatia.

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克罗埃西亚现在每年生产六百万公升的橄榄油。Croatia now produces over 6 million litres of olive oil every year.

自从克拉伊纳是来自克罗地亚的独立和单独的实体。Ever since Krajina was independent and separate entity from Croatia.

在这次会见的鼓舞下,我们出发前往克罗地亚和亚得里亚海。Fired up by this encounter, we set off for Croatia and the Adriatic.

它的政治和行政中心的克罗地亚共和国。It's a political and administrative centre for the Republic of Croatia.

在2000年的悉尼奥运会上,克罗地亚获得一金一铜。In the 2000 Sydney Olympics, Croatia won one gold and one bronze medals.

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他们大概在7世纪的时候移民到目前的克罗地亚南部的地区。They migrated further south to present-day Croatia during the 7th century.

Ojkanje唱歌是在克罗地亚的达尔马提亚地区的村庄的传统。Ojkanje singing is a tradition in villages in the Dalmatian area of Croatia.

而且克罗地亚和塞尔维亚都是阵中具有多名NBA水准天才球员的强硬球队。And Croatia and Slovenia are both solid European teams with NBA-level talent.

克罗地亚是众所周知的完好的环境和未受破坏的环境。Croatia is well-known for its preserved environment and unspoilt surroundings.

我并不感到惊讶地看到他们的老面孔更加克罗地亚或多或少处于劣势。I was not surprised to see their old faces more or less outclassed by Croatia.

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英格兰队继昨晚4比1击败克罗地亚队后离世界杯冠军更进一步了。England got one step closer to the World Cup by defeating Croatia 4-1 last night.

去年11月我去克罗地亚的瓦拉日丁拜访友人,终于有机会实施我斯洛文尼亚自驾游的计划了。That opportunity came last November, when I visited friends in Varazdin, Croatia.

美国下降9位,与博茨瓦纳、克罗地亚和汤加一起并列第53位。The United States fell 9 places, to 53rd, along with Botswana, Croatia and Tonga.