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另外,还有一位叫科里的明星参演了这部电影。Plus, one of the Corey guys.

科里-布鲁尔有着光明的未来。Corey Brewer has a bright future.

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为什么不和科里做些浪漫的事呢?Why don’t you do something romantic with Corey?

因为他和科里、马奎斯一样,也患上了低体温症,但他并没有暴躁不安,只是显得非常虚弱。He was developing the same symptoms as Corey and Marquis.

你和科里这星期五会去做什么?What will you and Corey do for Valentine’s Day this Friday?

你和科里这星期五会去做什么?What are you and Corey doing for Valentine’s Day this Friday?

这星期五情人节你喝科里有计划吗?Do you and Corey have any plans for Valentine’s Day this Friday?

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斯薇拉·科里生来就是奴隶,属于一个富有的塔纳布动物商。Swilla Corey was born a slave to a wealthy Tarnab animal merchant.

马盖蒂,托马斯为快船分别拿下了23及20分。Corey Maggette scored 23 points and Tim Thomas had 20 for the Clippers.

后来我跟Corey一起结对编程,我们用这种方法尝试着写了一些测试驱动代码。Later I paired with Corey and we test drove some code using this approach.

美国队长将会在9月7日宣布他的四名指定选手。US Captain Corey Pavin will announce his four Captain's Picks on September 7.

他也期望获得外卡进入科里-帕维的美国莱德杯队。He is also looking to earn a wildcard pick for Corey Pavin's US Ryder Cup team.

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科里没有妥协,并最终因负重过大而被压死。Corey never relented, and was eventually crushed to death under the massive weight.

但是在一边抱怨的同时,她还是在第一时间送去了订票的保证金。But as quick as a Corey Maggette jumper, she sent in her deposit and reserved her seats.

快船后卫马盖特也把票投给科比,他说韦德现在很接近科比。"You still have to give the advantage to Kobe, " Los Angeles Clippers guard Corey Maggette said.

杰克逊是他的球队第二昨晚26后新人谁马盖蒂得到27分。Stephen Jackson was second on his team last night with 26 points behind newcomer Corey Maggette who had 27.

科里·布鲁尔开场代替因腕伤缺席第二场比赛的帕特里克·贝弗利上场。Corey Brewer got the start over an injured Patrick Beverley, who missed his second straight game with a wrist injury.

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不久科里便开始挣扎,我紧紧攥住他的救生衣,可他仍然试图跳下船去,结果他挣脱了我的手。It wasn't long before Corey started to struggle. I was holding on to his jacket, but he kept trying to jump off the boat.

美国莱德杯队长科里-帕维已经否认曾经说过将确保给老虎伍兹发放外卡。United States Ryder Cup captain Corey Pavin has denied saying he would offer a guaranteed wild card place to Tiger Woods.

瑞安,科里和特雷西比邻而居,还有瓦妮莎·琼斯,一个可爱伶俐,聪颖好学的女孩子,和严厉的家长住在一起。Ryan T. , Corey and Tracy lived in the same neighborhood, as did Vanessa Jones, a cute, studious girl with strict parents.