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她对我微笑。She beamed at me.

她的眼睛流露出喜悦之情。Her eye beamed with joy.

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她的脸上浮泛着愉快的神情。Her face beamed with joy.

她向她的朋友微笑。She beamed on her friends.

他面有喜色。His face beamed with delight.

这套节目是对俄罗斯广播的。This program is beamed at Russia.

我们给飞机导航使它安全降落。We beamed the airplane down safely.

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他高兴得满脸堆笑。His entire face beamed with happiness.

马克和康妮面露喜色。Mark and Connie both instantly beamed.

那台发射机曾用于对俄罗斯广播。That transmitter was beamed at Russia.

他们向卫星定向发出无线电信号。They beamed the signal to the satellite.

“这个菜怎么样,你爱吃吗?”温泽尔太太问。"How do you like it?" Mrs Wenzel beamed.

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太阳透过阴云照耀着。The sun beamed throught the dreary clouds.

我们用X射线透视物质。We beamed the X-rays through the material.

婚礼上的每个人都喜形于色。At the wedding, everyone beamed with delight.

他愉快地笑着,幸福溢于言表。His smile beamed and his happiness resonated.

马修微笑着,把他染了色的手掌向我们一闪一闪。Matthew beamed and flashed us his dyed palms.

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孩子们的脸上充溢着幸福的笑容。The children's faces beamed with happy smiles.

这些节目将对中国大陆播放。The programs will be beamed to Mainland China.

玫瑰色的红光依然象天上的朝霞一样绚丽。The rosy light yet beamed like a celestial dawn.