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冰块水族缸。Ice aquaria.

高科技水族缸。Hi-tech aquaria.

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镶嵌式和长管式水族缸。Mosaic and long tube aquaria.

家具及便携式水族缸。Furniture and portable aquaria.

加入奈贾,一名在她的家庭寻找水下居民,她探讨了水族馆的深处。Join Naija, a lone underwater dweller in search of her family, as she explores the depths of Aquaria.

水族馆的工作人员告诉我们鱼缸的大小决定鲨鱼能长多大。People who work in aquaria tell us the size of fishbowl could tell us the shark's size after they grow up.

不过,作为一款动作游戏,其战斗部分令人失望,特别是让你感觉安琪拉世界比火星还可怕。However, the combat is disappointing for an action game, especially since you feel very vulnerable in Aquaria.

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另外,德雷克在鱼缸里建立了人工生态,在流水中建立了人工溪流生态。In addition Drake set up artificial ecologies in aquaria and in running water for artificial stream ecologies.

本期讲坛,就由四维信通科技有限公司的总经理刘小龙谈谈爱壳儿迷你水族箱的创新之路。In this passage, general manager of SWXT, Liu Xiaolong talks about the way of the eco mini aquaria innovation.

水族馆采用高科技淡水盐化系统和海底生命自动维持系统。Aquaria uses salt of high-tech fresh water to change system and marine life to maintain a system automatically.

那么,希望本文能够消除大家对狮子鱼的恐惧和关于狮子鱼的一些恐怖误解。So hopefully, this article has belayed some of the fears and corrected some of the myths of keeping lionfish in reef aquaria.

冰块水族缸。这种水族缸由冰块构成,观赏鱼被冷冻在了里面。冰块内的观赏也同样栩栩如生,活灵活现。Ice aquaria. This aquarium tank from the ice structure, ornamental fish frozen in the inside. View within the ice also lifelike, vivid.

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游戏操作感很强,在安琪拉游逛乐趣无穷,本就不错的故事因为可以回顾过去而更加丰富。Controls are solid, and swimming around Aquaria is a joy. The decent story is strengthened by the added element of being able to go into the past.

一些研究者认为是有高浓度的有机物和人口密集的在水族箱中的致病生物之间的直接关系。Some researchers believe that there is a direct relationship between high levels of organics and dense populations of disease organisms in aquaria.